Repairing things and bringing an old piece of furniture or broken item to life while freshening up your living space and making it work well with your home decor is a fun and enjoyable activity to do.
We often spend a lot of time looking for what we want for our homes. We go around in various home furniture stores and time ticks away while we look for just "that" table, chair, etc.
Instead of spending time looking for something new to buy, fixing it may turn out to save you more time and money.
Ideas come quickly to some people, but for others, a little inspiration can get them started.
There are a plethora of instructions, advice, and tips on the web on how to go about this, but in the text below we offer some hacks that might awaken your interest and creativity.
Puzzles for hiding cracks

Putting jigsaw puzzles together has been a pastime that has fascinated us for generations and by now most people are aware of the positive effect that focused puzzles can have on our brains. Not only do jigsaw puzzles make it possible for kids and adults to entertain themselves and bond, but you can also use the final image to dress your home walls and create a different and interestingly beautiful space.
For instance, if a hole in your children’s room, caused by your kids playing, always bothers you when you enter the room, why not use one of your 500 piece puzzles, frame it, and hang it right over the hole. This will postpone reparations a little and still make a lovely new way of decorating the room. You can also use the same method if you want to cover up scratches on a small drawing table. Just glue the puzzle to the table’s surface and allow it to play the role of a new and colorful drawing table for the kids.
Ripped pillows

If you have a pet, it could be possible that you end up with ripped sofas or pillows. Instead of deciding to throw away the pillows, why not get a little creative and try to save them, while still mixing up and reviving the interior.
Take out some cloth ribbons in different designs and colors. You can choose from materials such as silk, jute, or simple cotton and sow lines of them throughout the entire pillow. You can even write out a text with your pet’s name or a motivational quote and lift the room in a different way than before.
Changing the legs of your favorite coffee table
As we mentioned above, all of us can be too quick to buy new things. Many old furniture items like coffee tables have become worn because we truly liked and enjoyed them for a longer period. But when the fabric gets shabby, the color fades and the shapes seem out of date, then we kind of give up.
Oftentimes it is enough to change covers or put on new legs.
Furniture legs can have so many effects. Either you keep the same style, or you completely choose new legs according to your taste.
Leg rests and table legs are a bit like pants. Put them together with a tabletop, and you have created a whole outfit. Choose them in materials such as metal or bamboo in a modern style or a more traditional look.
Changing legs may be just what you need to get the change you are looking for. Nothing needs to look like it always has.
Clip hangers for your art
If one of your picture frames has been broken, why not use clothing hangers that just lay around in your wardrobe. You can use them for your collection of posters and different pictures of art.
Photographic art has always been an important aspect of home decor. You do not have to spend a fortune to buy expensive photographs. Instead, you can print your photos. An alternative to buying frames is to nail clip hangers to the wall. Since the clips can be adjusted sideways, it is easy to replace pictures if you get tired or find new favorite posters to hang.
Windows as headboards

windows and headboards
If you have recently renovated your house, the chances are that there might be some windows laying around in the garage, that you might not have thrown away, thinking they might come in handy one day.
You can reuse your old windows in many different ways. If you do not like the patina finish, you can sand off the paint and repaint the frames. Mirror glass can be installed in the windows and to make it a unique looking headboard. The mirror reflects the light from the balcony door and gives the illusion of more space.
Spray or paint for a new look

lamp drawer decor
Repainting a piece of furniture feels like an obvious option when you are looking to freshen things up. You often think of the traditional way of painting, with a brush, which gives a strong feeling that the furniture is redone.
If, on the other hand, you are looking to change the color of a chair, lamp, or any other item, while wanting to keep the look of a newly purchased object, spray painting is a perfect choice. If you spray-paint, you get no visible brush strokes, the surface becomes smooth and even just as if it were factory-painted. Also, you avoid the tedious step of cleaning brushes.
Join the trend and spray the frame of your coffee table, or perhaps a dining table, with brass-colored spray.
Final Thoughts
Repairing home items or DIY activities are not only a way to save your favorite home items and furniture. It can be a fun activity to do with your partner, friends, and children. In an age where there is mass production, it is a smart thing to become a little creative and environmentally-friendly and try to repair things alone and not buy new ones.
Not only do we feel productive and challenge ourselves, but we also enhance the look of our home interior.
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