It is essential for anyone in the craft industry to find avenues to showcase their work. For example, quality content such as a time-lapse video of your working, an informational how-to video, or just displaying your finished product can generate new viewers. The amount of joy it sparks, as well as the timelessness of the internet, is something worthy of protecting and even copyrighting.
How do you ensure your content is reaching the public by maintaining a high search engine ranking? Understanding search intent and legal SEO is the way to go.
Understanding Search Intent
It is vital to understand your target audience as a content creator. Having that information helps you speculate what your audience may type to land on your specific page.
There are four types of consumer search intent: Informational intent, where users are looking for information on a product or service. Navigational intent, where users are looking for specific websites. Intent to transact, which is an intention to make a financial transaction. And of course commercial investigation, where users aim to find reviews on services and products.
For people with craft websites such as DIY pages, blogs, and YouTube channels the following list is for you. Shed light on what you need to do to get your content to the SEO stratosphere.
1. Master Keyword Research
In line with understanding your target audience, it’s essential for your content to be easily understood by a broad audience. Minimizing the use of technical jargon will go a long way in preventing your date from being lost in translation.
Google keyword planner is a handy tool in helping you achieve simplicity while still capturing your audience’s attention.
2. Improve Your Title Tags
If your page is information-based, use specific keywords in your title, such as how-to and why. Including your website name in part or whole makes direct navigational access to your page more straightforward. If you are selling your crafts, be sure to include keywords rich in transactional jargon.
3. Understand Your Competition
It is possible to find other sites that use keywords specific to your line of work and yet have nothing to do with crafts. The important thing is using that information to your advantage by finding out how they are phrasing their keywords and content.
Checking out user reviews on such pages may inch you even further forward in understanding the logistics involved.
4. Optimize Your Site
Site architecture is fundamental, and it is essential to ensure your information is flowing on par with what your target user may be thinking. Make it a memorable user experience by updating the content to include photos, video, and audio graphics. Ensure your content is also keyword-rich and consistent.
5. Internal Linking
Internal linking is the sure-fire way to continue increasing traffic within your page once a user has landed on it. It acts as a channel to advertise the other products or services in your portfolio and link possible buyers to your online checkout.
6. Understanding and Tracking Analytics
Measuring the kind and extent of interaction your page gets helps you with SEO. A basic understanding of Google Analytics and understanding which segments on your website are performing best can help drive strategies, such as what keywords surge higher in what seasons, what areas to allocate a bigger budget, or what areas you could rectify.
7. Social Media
Last but not least is the importance of building a social media network. By marketing your videos on YouTube, posting your pictures on Instagram, and posting your blogs on WordPress, can you then finally link them all to your website. This creates a seamless transition that will not only appeal to your consumers but also make browsing through your site worthwhile.
Use SEO Metrics
Revising your keyword strategy intermittently will improve consistent natural growth and the total keywords your website ranks for. Growth in SEO metrics means your content is valued and viewed more, increasing your web presence reach.
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