ceiling fan
In every household, the monthly utility bill is one of the most significant expenses after a mortgage. However, once you decide to lower your energy consumption, it positively impacts the environment and your finances.
There are two ways to consider if you want to cut down the electricity consumption in your home effectively.
- Energy conservation involves avoiding unnecessary use of energy by unplugging electronic devices when not in use.
- Energy efficiency involves switching to appliances or devices that keep your home comfortable with minimal consumption of energy. An example is investing in a smart thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature or an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit that uses less energy.
Although switching to the energy-efficient approach will cost more, these improvements can save money in the long run while improving the value of your home. If you want to lessen your monthly utility bill, here are several ways to cut down energy consumption in your home.
1. Assess Your Energy Consumption
The ideal way to start is to get an energy audit which gives you an idea of how efficient the energy usage in your house is. You can request assistance from your utility provider to perform an energy audit. Remember that most utility companies offer this as a free service. The objective is to determine areas where you can cut down energy consumption.
2. Deal With Phantom Energy
If you haven't heard about phantom energy before, know that it might be one of the culprits in your skyrocketing utility bills. A high percentage of unknown energy consumption is due to electronic devices that you don’t turn off when they’re not needed.
An example is a toaster or microwave that consumes energy while plugged on but not in use. When it's off and unplugged, there is zero consumption. Unfortunately, various appliances and devices in your home contribute to a high utility bill this way. They are things such as the TV, Internet router, computer, and many more. You can deal with this issue by utilizing power strips and switching them off when they’re not in use.
3. Get A PTAC Unit
A packaged terminal air conditioner (PTAC) can be a good investment if you want to lower your utility bills. However, before purchasing one, you might want to check out the differences between a PTAC heat pump vs electric heat.
If you’re after an energy-efficient option and intend on using the unit for a cool and comfortable environment during the summer, a heat pump PTAC unit is the best choice. Although a unit will cost more, consider it an investment in energy efficiency in the long run. On the other hand, an electric heat unit utilizes more energy but comes at an affordable price. When heating is your main concern, an electric heat PTAC unit is a better option.
4. Keep The Refrigerator Coils Clean
A refrigerator can consume a large amount of energy, depending on the type you have at home. One way to reduce energy costs is to keep the coils clean. When the coils are dirty, the refrigerator has to work harder. Therefore, it's be best to inspect and clean the coils every three months to lessen the energy costs while prolonging their lifespan.
5. Schedule Yearly HVAC Maintenance
The HVAC system contributes a significant portion to your utility bill. When your HVAC system is working hard than necessary, it’ll consume more energy. With this in mind, you must ensure it operates efficiently by scheduling annual maintenance check by a professional. An inspection can pinpoint any potential problems or wear and tear.
6. Switch To Energy Star Appliances
Once you have appliances that need replacement, you might want to consider looking for Energy Star models to help reduce your utility bills in the long run. Today, you can find various Energy Star appliances such as dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, dryers, heat pumps, air conditioners, and many more.
7. Install A Programmable Thermostat
An efficient way to cut down your electricity consumption is the proper regulation of the temperature in your home. For example, it might be time to install a programmable thermostat that helps lessen the energy consumption when you’re away at work, sleeping, or out during the weekends.
8. Insulate Your Home
Inefficient insulation can be one of the culprits behind a high utility bill. Proper insulation of your home can help lessen the cooling and heating costs while improving you and your family’s overall comfort.
Since the heating and cooling system in your home consumes a significant amount of energy, you must ensure they’re efficient and cost-effective. This is possible with the proper insulation of your home.
9. Go Green
After making the necessary adjustments inside your home to cut down on energy consumption, landscaping can also help make your home energy-efficient.
You can naturally insulate your home by planting trees that’ll serve as shade. Additionally, try reducing the amount of rock and cement close to your home to help with energy efficiency.
10. Switch To LED Lighting
If you have conventional light bulbs in your home, it might be time to switch to LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs to help lessen your energy costs. In addition, LED lights can help save on the monthly utility bills in the long run. You don't have to replace all the incandescent bulbs in your house, only the essentials rooms your household frequently uses.
11. Apply Weather-stripping
Another way to help lower your energy bill is to utilize weather-stripping. You should go around your home and pinpoint any gaps or spaces between the windows and their surrounding walls. Do the same with the doors and their thresholds. Once you see spots with significant gaps, seal them to improve heating and cooling efficiency.
12. Install Ceiling Fans
The air conditioner unit in your home is the main appliance that takes up a large percentage of your utility bill, especially if they work non-stop. One way to lessen the workload of your AC (air conditioning) system is to install ceiling fans. Additionally, the ceiling fans can help circulate air around your home.
13. Keep The Sun Out
When your home endures direct heat, especially during the summer, the temperature can quickly rise. You can prevent an increase in the temperature in your home by closing the blinds and curtains or installing tinted window films. The air conditioner will no longer strain in keeping your home comfortable while helping reduce your energy bill.
14. Use Cold Water For Laundry
For those who are using hot water for laundry, it’s one reason for a high utility bill. The energy consumption of your washer will be lower if you’re going to use cold water instead of hot. The reason for this is because heating the water adds up to your energy costs.
When you’re eager to switch to an energy-efficient home that can help cut down energy consumption and save on your utility bills, it’s possible. With the help of these tips, you can effectively reduce the energy costs in your home in the long run.
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