Cleaning and sanitizing should be the first priority of the restaurant owners. Hygiene is the most important aspect, followed by food in a restaurant's success. Its the job of restaurant owners to ensure that their customers are in a clean atmosphere and the food they are getting is healthy. Below we summarize some of the easy ways you'll find useful in cleaning your restaurant.
Set up a cleaning party
As cleaning is vital, the owner should select one day every week for the total cleaning of the restaurant. You should gather up all your staff in one place, discuss some important cleaning aspects and instructions. After that, the restaurant should be closed for a few hours, so that the cleaning staff can tidy up everything and make sure every corner of the kitchen and the entire restaurant is cleaned and sanitized. This practice should be practiced every week in order to maintain cleaning standards.
Weekly checklists should be made for cleaning staff
Assign roles according to the employee's capacities. Checklists should be made regarding the cleaning schedule on a weekly basis. All the necessary tasks regarding cleaning should be mentioned in detail. Explain briefly about all the essential roles, the cleaning tools one would use and also enforce time management at the same time. While making the checklist, keep in mind cleaning is the most essential part of the restaurant management so that you play your part first, and then make sure the cleaning faculty do their job as well.
Make monthly checklists.
Apart from weekly and daily checklists, monthly checklists should be made as well that will further ensure that your restaurant is clean and tidy. Hire skilled and qualified cleaners, as cleaning is an art and it needs dedication. Bonuses should be announced on monthly basis for those who worked hard to keep restaurants clean and tidy. Every month professional inspection should be carried out so that there's not even a tiny space left that is not cleaned.
Provide effective management
Always remember that whether the staff is following the checklist or not depends on the management system of the hotel. Hire managers that are accountable for the consequences. The cleaning staff should be under the supervision of a responsible manager who'll make sure all the tasks on the checklist are completed and who'll ensure a sanitized, clean, and peaceful atmosphere for customers.
Cleaning staff should be paid good
The most important thing a customer considers is the hygiene of the restaurant. Cleaning is so essential that those who ensure that your restaurant is clean deserve good monthly payments. The salaries should be increased based on their performance. This will in return motivate the staff to do everything they can to protect the restaurant's integrity and to contribute to its success.
Never hesitate in paying well for a clean atmosphere, always promote sustainability, provide your staff with modern cleaning equipment and visit jan-pro.com.au for effective cleaning assistance.
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