How to Maintain Table Saw

Why Do You Need a Table Saw
Whether someone runs a small business or is a keen hobbyist, anyone working with wood will benefit from having a best table saw in their garage or workshop. It may not be an essential when starting out, but the versatility a table saw offers is not the only benefit up for grabs. Most are easy to operate too, and they can increase productivity by a very healthy margin.
What is a table saw? And How To Maintain Table Saw

How to Choose the Best Hybrid Table Saw
Basically, it looks like a large table with a circular saw embedded in the centre. The table area helps support the wood you are working on, while the saw is usually powered by either a belt or gears.
Table saws are really useful as most models allow users to adopt versatile cutting angles. The only real headache a table saw causes is having to choose which one to buy from amongst the various models out there, which can be especially tricky when it’s your first ever table saw purchase.
Make life easier by consulting this handy guide on what to look for, designed to help you find the right model for your individual needs.
Choose between the main types of table saw
Although they all have some things in common each of these also has its own distinct area of use so choosing the best one for your circumstances is important.
The cabinet model
Generally, the most popular option, as the name suggests these sit inside a cabinet. They are hard wearing and powerful but heavy, which can make them difficult to move around. A good choice if you have enough space, and need to cut lots of different sizes and thicknesses of wood.
The contractor model
Designed as a lighter alternative to cabinet saws these are still heavy duty but ever-popular with tradespeople. They are usually powered by a belt, and able to produce top quality work.
The hybrid model

Hybrid Table Saw
A cross between the enclosed cabinet saw and the contractor. This is often first pick for those just starting a woodworking career, or established hobbyists, but tradespeople often buy it too.
The others: notably the portable, benchtop and jobsite models which are all perfect for lightweight work.
Key things to look out for
You may decide that particular items mentioned here a not actually important to you, but in general the things we recommend you look at or think about before making a final purchase.
- The safety system
Hopefully there is one as saws are not the type of equipment you want to mess with; as the 31 thousand plus people who are injured each year will tell you.
- The power system
Is there enough power to tackle the task you have in mind?
- Size
Some models come with an extension option which is great for smaller workshops.
- The reviews
Look at several sites to get a good overall idea of customer opinions of which model is the best table saw around.
- The cost
Try to get the most possible for your budget by looking for coupons, reductions and special offers on an item you already identified as worth having.
How To Use Table Saw | Jobsite Table Saw

Best Table Saw
Pick the Right Saw
If you’re planning on using a portable table saw, make sure it’s the right option for you. While portable table saws have come a long way in recent years, they still aren’t as stable, nor do they offer the power of a traditional table saw.
Learn about the features on your saw
A job site table saws may come equipped with several features. Blade guards cover the blade to protect hands, and arms and legs for that matter, from the sharp teeth of a saw. Modern blade guards retract as the stock is fed into the spinning blade.
Safety first
As we’ve mentioned before, safety is our number one priority on any job site. It should be yours, too. Any time you’re near a sharp spinning blade, it’s best to take a few extra moments to set your saw up for maximum safety. Always keep the blade guard on.
How to Set Up a Table Saw
Step 1 - Set Up The Body Of The Saw
Step 2 - Align The Blade
Step 3 - Align The Rip Fence
Step 4 - Align The Splitter
Step 5 - Fit The Sliding Table (If Necessary)
Step 6 - Turn The Table Saw On And Test It Out
How to Change a Table Saw Blade

Electronic table saw
Step 1 - Turn The Power Off
Step 2 - Remove The Blade Plate
Step 3 - Remove The Blade
Step 4 - Put In A New Blade
Step 5 - Put The Blade Plate Back In
Step 6 - Turn The Power Back On
How to Prevent Table Saw Kickback
As with a lot of other tutorials you are going to follow, there’s no better way to learn from a tutorial, handbooks, manual than having the item in front of you.
1. Understand What Causes It
2. Use Push Sticks
3. Riving Knives
4. Use Your Fence Correctly
YouTube Video - 7 Things To Get You Started Using A Table Saw | WOODWORKING BASICS
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