Remember These Tips If There Is An Accident At A Construction Site
Are you a construction professional facing an accident situation at a construction site? The occurrence of such an event is a stressful and urgent situation that can endanger the sustainability of your activity and your business.
One of the most dangerous work environments is construction. Today we are concerned about the action you should take when there’s an accident at a construction site. Different equipment has different safety measures. For example, If you want to go for a spider lift hire, we recommend ensuring that you have trained workers to use it.
As a rule, and to avoid accidents, companies have to have a work risk prevention plan. Similarly, companies must have a Mutual contract, which will be responsible for health care in the event of an accident, the provision for temporary disability in the case of medical leave, rehabilitation, etc.

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Here we will explain how to act in case of an accident at work:
Accident At A Construction Site Avoidence Steps
1. Attention to the injured and communication
The first measure, as it cannot be otherwise, is the care for the injured and their transfer to the health center with the medical assistance flyer that the company must provide. If medical necessity is urgent and the health center is closed or far away, contact 911 or transfer the victim to the nearest health center. In any case, it is necessary to indicate that it is an accident at work.
2. Accident report
- The company must prepare a part indicating:
- The data of the injured worker
- The company you work for
- Accident description
- Means that had been taken to avoid it
The worker must have a copy of this part, as well as other evidence of the accident (witnesses, detailed medical reports, etc.) They will be useful if something has to be claimed from the company or the accident is not considered a work-related accident.
3. Investigate the accident
It is necessary to know if you’ve met the security measures. To investigate the accident, you can go to colleagues or prevention delegates.
However, in some cases, especially in serious cases, investigations will be carried out through the Labor Inspector.
4.Non-Workplace Accident
If the accident is classified as a Non-Workplace Accident and the injured person does not agree, a claim must be filed against the National Social Security Institute requesting the determination of the contingency and the declaration of the accident as a work accident.
However, there are some cases in which it is considered that they are NOT occupational accidents. For example, when they are referred to as force labor that has nothing to do with work. In these cases, heatstroke, lightning or similar situations are not considered to be greater.
5.Rights before an accident at work
In case of an accident at work there are a number of rights that assist the worker:
- Healthcare
- Temporary disability benefit (medical leave)
- Permanent disability
- Permanent disability
- Compensation: for non-disabling injury (provided there is no right to permanent disability), by the employer's responsibility, and by death in an accident at work.
With this brief guide on how to act in the event of an accident at work, you can get by in certain circumstances.
6. If a worker falls
This is one of the leading causes of death due to an accident at work. While waiting for help to arrive, we must control any loss of blood by pressing on the wound. If the injured person cannot breathe well, he should lie down, and you should keep him warm.
If the person suffers the fall with a harness on, he may lose consciousness as the arteries are depressed. If the injured person is conscious, he must be asked to move his legs and put pressure on the support points. In case you were unconscious, try to help keep your legs as high as possible and head horizontally.
7. If there is an electric shock
In this case, the response time is vital. If the injured person is still in contact with the electrical circuit, you must disconnect the current. If you can’t do it quickly, try to separate him from the circuit with a piece of dry wood.
8. If workers collapse in a ditch
In that case, you have to try to get everyone out of the ditch and write down data for rescue personnel such as the type of land, the depth of the ditch and the place where the injured are.
9. Take Measures
Take measures to ensure the safety of people and property and notify the emergency services if necessary.
"Freeze the scene", take photos, keep physical evidence and collect testimonials. Take precautionary measures so as not to aggravate the incident (tarpaulins, struts, limit of access to the area, etc.).
Then what to do?
Estimate the number of repairs! If you think that intervention by your insurer is necessary, declare your claim, by mail, email or directly online!
What supporting documents to send?
Keep your quotes, invoices, works contracts, and subcontracts. They will be useful for the examination of your file.
When to report?
You have a legal period of 10 days to make your declaration of loss. The ideal is to send us your declaration as soon as possible.
Will there be expertise?
It is the insurer who assesses the issue and the responsibilities of the case and judges the need to call in an expert.
If this is the case, its role will be to note the materialization of the disorders, to assess the amount of the repairs and to apprehend the subject of the responsibilities.
Once your site has been received by the client, the legal guarantees imposed on the builders begin to run.
Damage to your works and those of your subcontractors, as well as the damage suffered by third parties, is, therefore, your responsibility.
What damages can cause your liability?
- Damage compromising the solidity of the structure and affecting one of its constituent elements or inseparable equipment (significant cracking of the walls, subsidence of the floor, collapse of the roof, etc.),
- Damage making the work unsuitable for its destination.
Who can challenge your liability and how?
If a disaster occurs on a work that you delivered, another company intervened on the site or an insurance expert can claim your implication. This can be amicable or judicial.
How to react?
- Take measures to ensure the safety of people and property,
- Take precautionary measures so as not to aggravate the incident (protective sheets, etc.),
- Assess your harm.
What supporting documents to send?
- Your market
- If applicable, the contractor's market and insurance certificates
- The accident report
- Photos of the incident
- Your estimate of repair work, quotes, plans
- Any document useful for your defense
These tips and information will help you respond immediately in case of an accident. It can help you save a life or save yourself from a lot of legal complications. Learn more about what you can do in case of an accident at a construction site.
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