Things You Should Consider Before Buying A Mattress

With today's variety of mattresses, it is not easy for the consumer to figure out which model to give preference to. What to look for when buying? What parameters to consider? How to choose a mattress that is durable, safe, and comfortable for sleeping.
Regardless of type, any good mattress should meet the following requirements. The length of the mattress should be at least 20cm greater than your height. The minimum width for a single mattress is 80 cm, for a double - 160 cm. However, the optimal size also depends on your complexion. It happens that measurements give non-standard results. For example, instead of 80 cm width, 79 or 83 cm is obtained. A discrepancy of up to 1 cm is permissible. With a bed size of 79 × 201 cm, buy a standard mattress of 80 × 200 cm. If the difference is 2 cm or more, you will have to make a mattress to order. Otherwise, it will either not fit in the bed box or will hang in it. Double mattresses are 140 cm wide, but it is more comfortable to choose 160 cm wide.
Buying A Mattress Techniques
1. Smell of Danger
No one knows what cheap mattresses from unknown manufacturers are made of. In addition, some synthetic materials can release toxic substances for many years.
When choosing a mattress, remember that the unpleasant “chemical” smell from it is a clear sign that the product is unsafe for health.
2. If Allergic
Sometimes in the manufacture of mattresses, materials are used that can cause allergies, such as wool. If you are allergic, it is better not to risk it and choose a model with hypoallergenic synthetic fillers. It is also important that the mattress is “breathing.” Otherwise, it will become a source of bacteria. Hypoallergenic and air-permeable fillers include, for example, artificial or natural latex, foam rubber, etc.
3. Comfort

Mattress Sale
Doctors believe that older people should not sleep on too hard mattresses, as this can lead to pain in the spine and circulatory disorders.
People suffering from lower back pain are advised to sleep on a soft mattress, and for pain in the upper back, it is better to choose a harder mattress because the ultimate goal is pressure relief from a mattress.
These are reasonable tips, but still, the primary selection criterion is comfort. And if the recommended type of mattress seems entirely uncomfortable for you, you should step aside from the advice of doctors and find something more convenient for you.
4. With And Without Springs

Purple Mattress
Having decided on the necessary criteria for choosing a mattress, we proceed to the comparison of spring and springless models. So...
Springless are made in the form of a monoblock or a multilayer structure. In the manufacture of products, innovative materials are widely used - MemoryFoam, coconut coir, and natural latex. As a result, springless mattresses take the form of a person’s body lying on it.
Spring mattresses are divided into two categories: with a dependent spring block type "Bonnel" and with an independent spring block.
In Bonnel mattresses, the springs are interconnected. Such a product has the same stiffness over the entire area. The springs of a large cross-section mattress are interconnected in a single design. Polyurethane inserts often complement the spring unit.
Such a mattress is not orthopedic. The weight of a person perceives the entire surface, so the mattress bends over the whole area. This position of the body on the mattress leads to impaired spinal function, as the effect of a hammock is manifested. Beds with such a unit do not differ for an extended period of operation, and after 5-6 years, the springs can sag and begin to creak.
The advantages of this types of mattress include the relatively low price. But even cheapness is not particularly attractive to buyers - today such mattresses are considered obsolete. Although the block "Bonnel" is often used to create hard mattresses in combination with other materials.
Under the upholstery of the spring mattresses with an independent spring unit, a plurality of springs are not connected to each other, each of which is in a fabric cover. Such mattresses can be of any rigidity.
One product can have several zones of rigidity - up to nine!
For example, a soft zone in the lumbar region and a hard zone in the shoulder girdle. Mattresses with an independent spring block support the spine well; they do not give a peculiar “wave effect” when a person lying nearby moves or stands up.
The convenience and quality of a mattress with an independent spring unit depends on the number of springs per square meter. You can find spring less or spring best mattresses under $300 from your nearby shops or online, for that you need to do some online research.
Usually, there are 256 of them - such mattresses are already quite comfortable. Good mattresses on a spring block contain 512 springs per square meter - these are Multipocket products. The best spring mattresses contain from 1000 to 2000 very small springs per square meter - these are elite models.
Have you opted for a double-sided mattress? To serve longer, turn it over 2–4 times a year. This will allow the unused side to restore elasticity and prevent the deformation of the mattress.
Lists Of Top 12 Best Mattresses
Last update on 2024-04-30 at 23:08 PST - Details
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Very useful information about buying a new mattress.
Glad that these information are helpful. Take care