Quartz Countertops Repair Tips
Quartz Countertops Repair is a type of engineered stone that is made to look like granite or marble. During manufacturer, natural quartz material is ground and mixed with resins, polymers, and pigments., The ground quartz makes about 93 percent of the quartz countertop material while the rest only for seven percent of the material. The material is engineered to be hard, nonporous, and almost resistant to scratch.
Although a quartz countertop scratch is not common, quartz countertops can still scratch. Natural quartz material is tough enough to resist scratching but the resins are not. Small scratches are easy to remove but large scratches need quartz countertop scratch repair that may involve using resin fillers. With a small scratch on a quartz countertop, all you need is to polish the surface the same way you would with a scratch on your car's finish.

countertops repair
How to Quartz Countertops Repair Scratch
Scratches on a quartz countertop are caused by knives, cutlery, and other items you use in the kitchen. But, do quartz countertops scratch easily? Most of these scratches are small but after years of use, the scratches might get big and ugly. Below are simple ways to repair these scratches.
Clean the Surface
Use a mild detergent to clean the surface and a soft cloth – ammonia-based cleaners are the best. The scratched areas should be cleaned thoroughly. Before you start repairing the surface, dry the surface with a dry cloth.
Filling Deep Scratches
Deep scratches cannot be polished off. For deep scratches, resin filler works great because quartz countertops repair are made of resin and polymer binders. When filling deep scratches, only use a filer that is formulated for quartz countertops repair only. However, if you do not have special resin filler for quartz, you can use two-part epoxy and super glue.
Using a syringe, apply the filler on the scratch. Ensure that as much of the filler as possible get into the scratch. Wipe off the filler that falls outside the scratch and let the filler stay overnight. After a day, the filler will have dried. Scrape off the excess filler with a razor blade held at a 45-degree angle ensuring that you do not create more scratches. Note that the area around the scratch will feel rough after scraping off the excess filler and will need smoothing with a polishing compound.
Polish the Surface
Polishing is the finishing step on quartz countertop scratch repair. When polishing, you will be polishing the resin binder. As such, you need a substance that can polish the countertop surface without creating more scratches. To ensure you have the right polishing compound, ensure you buy the polish from a reputable quartz dealer online. Even better, buy the filler and the polish together to ensure you have the right compound. Quartz polishing compounds come as abrasives with varying levels of fineness from the coarsest to the finest. The coarse grits are ideal in removing scratches while the fine grits restore the sheen and color of the countertops repair.
When polishing, start with the coarsest compound. Pour the compound and spread it on the counter around the filled area. Use lambswool or a soft polish pad attached to a grinder with variable speed. Polish the entire surface of your countertops repair with the grinder set at low speed. Afterward, remove the excess substance with a squeegee.
Use finer grit compounds and a new pad. A powdered compound comes in handy when you need to smooth the surface of the countertop. When using a powdered polish compound, use a felt pad, not wool. As you polish, keep a bottle of water handy to constantly wet the surface. After polishing, remove all the compounds from the surface of the countertop before introducing a finer grit.
After working the final polishing compound, clean off the surface with a mild detergent and water.
Quartz Countertop Scratch Prevention
Quartz is the most popular countertop material for most homeowners. It is used in kitchen and bathroom countertops. Quartz is popular thanks to its durability and its looks which can mimic natural stone. If you take care of your quartz countertops, they will serve you for decades. One way to care for the countertops is to ensure you do not scratch them or weaken the resin bonds by exposing them to high heat. Now that we have answered the question – do quartz countertop scratch? – how do you prevent these scratches? You can learn more about the care of quartz countertops on Caesarstone.
Use Chopping Boards in the Kitchen
Do quartz countertops scratch easily? Will they get scratches from knives? The material does not scratch easily but you should not treat it the same way as chopping boards. When you are cutting fruits, meat, vegetables, and any other food in the kitchen, you need to ensure that you use a chopping board. The glossy surface of quartz is for decoration and not for industrial use.
Avoid Spills, Especially Hot Liquids
Although quartz does not stain easily, it can still stain after exposure to stains for a long time. Hot liquids will weaken the resin bonds making your countertop more prone to scratches. In case of a spill, wipe it off immediately.
Avoid Placing Hot Objects on the Counter and Use of Abrasive Pads
Quartz countertops are fairly resistant to heat. However, prolonged exposure of the countertop to heat will cause the surface to discolor. Heat can also weaken the resin making surfaces more prone to scratches.
When cleaning the surface, ensure that you do not use harsh abrasives. Use a soft cloth a cleaning agent specifically formulated for quartz countertops. If there are smudges on the surface of the countertop, you can remove them with a straight-edge razor or a scrubbing pad that is safe to use on stone. A scouring pad will cause small scratches on your countertop.
Quartz not only looks great but it also lasts long when well-cared for. Even after you have learned how to repair quartz countertop scratch, you still need to care for it to maintain its glossy surface. A scratch on the quartz countertop will change the look of the surface significantly. While repairing the surface will restore the look, you can avoid all the repair work by maintaining your countertop. So, do quartz countertops scratch? They do, but you can avoid it all.
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