Durable Flooring Ideas

Bright living room with striped throw rug, pai. 3d Rendering.
Are you in the market for a new floor and looking for something that will last for a long time? There are certain types of flooring that you can get that are built to last and are easy to take care of. Why would you waste time and money to get a floor you’ll have to change out every few years when you can get a stylish floor that will last for decades?
Right about now you might be asking yourself what’s quality flooring options that lasts and is easy to clean. The simple answer is yes. There are a number of different flooring options that are durable and easy to maintain. You do not always have to have carpet in your home, and carpet may soon be a thing of the past. Also, you can prefer GRP Grating that makes your commercial or residential floor durable.
Carpet is a flooring that is nice to have but it goes out of style, stains and needs to be replaced often. It is also extremely absorbent to liquids and smells. There are better alternatives. With that in mind, here are three types of affordable flooring that will last for years.
Durable Flooring Ideas Steps
1. Hardwood Flooring
Carpet floors are a thing of the past, especially if you have children and pets. They are hard to keep clean and it is the end of the World if the carpet gets wet or an animal has an accident. They absorb smells and can also keep dust in a home. Hardwood floors do not have these drawbacks.
Hardwood floors are not exactly cheap, but they are one of the cheaper alternatives when it comes to purchasing floors for durability. You also have a big selection when picking out wood styles and types. On average a hardwood floor can cost anywhere between $6 and $23 per square foot for materials and installation.
When it comes to cleaning, hardwood floors are pretty easy to maintain. All you have to do is sweep, then mop and you’re done. If something is spilled, grab a washcloth and wipe it up. There is no need to worry about your hardwood floor getting stained or keeping in smells.
The real question is, how long do hardwood floors really last? Hardwood floors can last up to 25 years or longer, and they never really go out of style. This means that you won’t be replacing your floor for new trends or when your floor gets a little miffed up.
2. Marble Flooring

Marble floor seems like it would be a little bit on the ritzy side, but it isn’t one of the most expensive options. There is a lot to consider when you are picking out a marble floor. Price, style, and durability are the main things that you want to examine when having marble flooring put into your home.
Marble floors, while not cheap, do not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars like you may have been told. In fact, marble flooring runs about $9 to $50 per square foot installed, depending on what type and style you are getting. Normally for marble floor to run $50 a square foot you have to be getting specialized marble.
Marble floors are even easier to maintain than hardwood floors. When mopping them you do not have to use a special chemical to keep it nice like with hardwood. Marble does not retain liquid at all, so there is no worry of spills soaking into the floor. This can be a good thing if you have children or pets running around and making messes.
When it comes to being everlasting, marble flooring is where it is at, as long as it is taken care of. Marble floor can outlast even hardwood floor, even though it takes a little bit to keep it nice. The one problem with a marble floor is that if something heavy is dropped on it, it may crack. It is also difficult to maintain in high traffic areas.
3. Tile Flooring
When it comes to durability tile might be something for you to check into. People overlook tile as a flooring option for living rooms and mostly use it for bathrooms and kitchens, but tile is very versatile. It can also be very pretty depending on what look you choose. It can be a bit costly to purchase and install, but tile is great as a flooring option.
Tile is one of the most expensive options that you can go with for a durable floor, but it may end up being worth it. It can range anywhere from $13 to $83 per square foot with installation. This may seem very costly, however, if treated properly tile can last for well over 100 years. One more good thing about tile is that if it cracks, only one tile has to be replaced, not the whole floor or a portion of the floor.
Tile is one of the most durable types of flooring but maintaining it might pose a small issue. It isn’t as easy to clean as marble or hardwood, because most tile involves grout, which can be a pain if the wrong color is chosen or something gets spilled and not immediately cleaned.
Tile must be swept once daily to keep glazed tile looking nice, due to wear and tear from sand and grit. It also must be mopped twice weekly with a good cleaner to keep the grout from getting dull or moldy.
Choose Wisely

Contemporary black and white living room with stylish interior decor, an upholstered lounge siite and glass door leading to an outdoor patio, 3d render
Durability is a huge deal for most people when choosing flooring. Most people do not want to replace their floor yearly or every two years even. If your house is going to be your home and you want it to last, then you should definitely go for one of the more durable materials. Your floors should not be something you should have to worry about on a consistent basis.
Keep in mind the choices you’ve learned about here and give them some heaving consideration. They can make your home look amazing, save you some money in the long run, and they’re built to last. You’ll be enjoying your home’s new look in no time.
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