The garage door is one of the most susceptible aspects of your property. Even if they seem to be strong, they must nevertheless be light enough to lift and lower on their own. When your house is subjected to strong storms, this might cause problems. Power Outages are inevitable when the weather is very erratic. Make sure your garage door has the proper wind rating if you want to prevent severe damage to your house.
How Strong Is The Average Garage Door?
The average garage door can withstand winds of at least twenty miles per hour. As a result, even an ordinary rainstorm or snowfall is unlikely to harm them. However, even if the wind speed exceeds 20 mph, most garage doors will remain intact. Instead, they begin to fade away at this stage. Your garage door will malfunction if exposed to more than 20 mph wind speeds for an extended period.
Garage doors typically need wind resistance of at least 20 mph. A common feature of doors is their ability to withstand higher winds. Many “wind-resistant” doors can withstand gusts of up to 100 mph. Wind pressure on these doors can typically be resisted by 50 lb. per square inch of the material. They can withstand wind speeds of up to 200 mph with the help of specially constructed impact doors.
What Is the Wind Rating Of Your Garage?
There is no assurance that your garage door will be able to resist a specific level of wind in Indiana since the state’s construction rules aren’t very tight. Be prepared for any harsh weather by checking your front door.
A label may be found by searching along the inside of your garage door. On the side of the door is usually an orange, white, or yellow sticker. If you can’t find a label on your door, you may check the model number of your door online. The wind resistance of a door is usually described in the handbook that comes with it. After locating it, look for the label section that reads something like “design wind speed” after finding it. This will reveal the door’s maximum wind speed.
Understanding The Various WindCode Ratings And Their Significance
The WindCode rating system may be helpful if you’re worried about the strength of your garage door in high winds. It’s Clopay’s standard rating system called WindCode. Garage door size, maximum wind speed, and location on the structure are all considered. More excellent ratings suggest the door can withstand higher wind speeds, ranging from W-1 to W-9.
You may look up your garage door’s WindCode on the door itself, or you can use Clopay’s WindCode calculator. The WindCode for your door may determine whether it is acceptable for your exposure level. Your house’s wind exposure is measured by its exposure rating.
People who live in areas with dense trees or other dwellings are less likely to be battered by the wind than those who live on broad plains or near seas. Finding a door with a high enough WindCode rating is critical.
What Happens If A Strong Wind Hits Your Garage Door?
- Your garage is likely to bend inwards or be dragged outwards by strong winds if it confronts them. Your garage door will be severely damaged as a consequence. Some problems with doors can be fixed, although this isn’t always the case. Your garage may get inundated with water in severe weather due to the strong winds. This can potentially ruin any stored goods or perhaps produce a flood.
- When a gust of wind pushes or rips your garage door open, it exposes your automobile to the elements. The remainder of the house is in grave structural jeopardy as a result.
- In today’s homes, everything works together to create a seamless whole. Uneven pressure zones may occur throughout the house if a significant hole emerges in any of the walls. When the wind blows into your garage, it has the potential to knock down walls and even lift the roof. When you have a garage door that is damaged, even a tiny amount of damage may compromise the structural integrity of your house.
Understanding Wind Load Ratings And How To Pick The Best One
After learning about the consequences of a weak garage door, you may be evaluating your current position. Wind resistance is an essential factor when purchasing a new garage door. Many homeowners are looking for a wind-rated door that can withstand at least 50 mph gusts. This will protect you against most weather-related problems, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and blizzards. In areas with a lot of wind, you may want to consider purchasing a more robust door.
Despite safety, it is equally vital to examine your financial situation. There is a trade-off between a more excellent wind rating and an increased price. To save money, you may want to avoid purchasing a garage door that is too powerful. Even if you don’t experience any storms, a more excellent wind resistance might benefit your vehicle.
Bottom Line
If you don’t consider the wind resistance of your garage door, you risk causing thousands of dollars in damage to your house. A garage door’s wind resistance rating is crucial when purchasing a new door for your home or building.
Author Bio: Ran Kroynish is an experienced handyman who’s been working for Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair for 10 years. When he’s not fixing garage doors, he likes to share his repair ideas and knowledge with others.
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