For many people with neurological disorders, one of the hardest parts of managing their condition is managing their symptoms on a daily basis. For example, many people who suffer from epilepsy experience seizures so debilitating that they find it hard to go about their daily lives without fear of another seizure occurring at any time during the day. The innovative solution to this problem is Seer Medical’s ecg-eeg test. This test allows patients to monitor their symptoms on a near-constant basis, allowing them to see the onset of seizures and take action to prevent them from happening.
Video games help the brain learn
New research on video games sheds light on how and why certain games might actually be good for you. In a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, researchers at Florida State University looked at how video game players navigate and learn. When they compared video gamers to non-gamers, they found that gamers tended to react faster than non-gamers while navigating virtual environments on a screen.
They also did better at remembering specific information from a level—like where some treasure was located or what path not to take—than non-gamers did. With all of these factors working together, it’s no wonder that so many people can’t stop playing their favourite games!
New Smartphone-Enabled Hearing Aid
When it comes to hearing aids, there are two major challenges facing users: They’re expensive and they don’t work well. Seer Medical has developed a new type of hearing aid that overcomes both of these issues.
The device, called ECG-EEG, connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth and enables users to listen to any sound in real-time or on-demand by streaming audio from their phone directly into their ears. It also includes an ECG feature for detecting unusual heart rhythms; thus ECG-EEG stands for electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram—technologies that go hand in hand.
Virtual reality supports rehabilitative care
Nowadays, in addition to its role in entertainment, virtual reality (VR) is also making a name for itself as a useful tool for providing rehabilitative care. For example, VR can provide an effective means of distraction from pain during medical procedures and has even been used to help people overcome phobias. But perhaps one of its most intriguing uses has nothing to do with reducing or eliminating pain—it’s helping patients suffering from neurological disorders regain function by building connections between their brains and bodies.
Seer Medical recently launched a revolutionary new way of doing just that using state-of-the-art ECG/EEG testing equipment along with emerging VR technology. The result? A more accurate diagnosis, more effective treatments and faster recovery times than ever before possible.
Doctors Use Brainwave Patterns to Help Autistic Children Communicate
Take it from us at Seer Medical, there’s more to helping people than just getting their heart rate up and their blood pressure down. Since autism isn’t a one size fits all diagnosis, we developed our innovative ECG-EEG test to allow neurologists and cardiologists to monitor brainwave patterns.
This ultimately gives them access to more information about what’s going on in a person’s brain when they suffer from an adverse reaction or neurological disorder. It also allows them to take proactive measures in treating these issues as early as possible—which means less time waiting around for signs of danger, like seizures, and more time working towards recovery.
Wireless headsets bring physical therapy into a home environment
For people who have neurological disorders, keeping tabs on their health has never been easier. Today’s technology allows doctors to get data faster and more accurately than ever before. That kind of efficiency will only continue to grow as technology continues to advance, resulting in better care for patients and happier doctors. The future of healthcare looks bright – if you know how to see it.
Virtual Reality Helps Patients Face Their Fears
Virtual reality (VR) technology has numerous applications in a variety of sectors. One area that’s benefiting from VR is healthcare, particularly when it comes to helping people with neurological disorders. Seer Medical, Inc., an Australian-based company specializing in medical diagnostic devices, recently announced its latest product—the ECG-EEG test—which helps treat conditions such as anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The technology involves placing electrodes on a patient’s forehead and recording their brain waves, then sending that data to a computer where virtual reality software creates an immersive environment for them to experience. It can help reduce their feelings of fear and anxiety about certain situations or environments that make them uncomfortable.
Wearable sensors improve mobility and reduce falls risk
Wearable sensors provide useful, actionable data to help caregivers, patients and family members better manage neurological disorders. Seer Medical’s ecg-eeg (electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram) medical device measures heart rate, respiratory rates and brain activity in real-time—data that can be used to improve mobility and reduce fall risk. For example, a caregiver or family member might use an ECG-EEG sensor in a patient’s bedroom at night; if they notice their loved one wake up suddenly during a REM sleep cycle they may be able to gently awaken them before another episode occurs.
3D Printing Gives Hope to Amputees
For some people, a mechanical prosthetic hand can be expensive, difficult to customize, and too heavy for all-day wear. Seer Medical’s ECG-EEG test monitors electrical activity in brainwaves and transmits it to muscular stimulation.
By using electrodes attached to an amputee’s skin instead of implanted directly into nerves or muscles, wearers will experience increased sensitivity at reduced cost and less risk of infection or nerve damage. The monitor can be configured remotely by neurologists and physical therapists so that patients with limited mobility can continue living their lives without having to make frequent trips to doctor’s offices.
Seer Medical’s ecg-eeg test can be useful in helping detect other medical issues that may lead to neurological disorders and keep people safe. The technology behind it has been shown to reduce costs, assist in diagnoses of a wide variety of ailments and conditions, help doctors choose between treatment options and prescribe patients medications they need.
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