dog sleeping in sofa
Maintaining the cleanliness of your home can be a bit challenging when you are a pet parent. Often you find dog footprints, hair, and fur everywhere. However, you can practice preventive measures to avoid your house getting so dirty and there are also ways you can practice to keep your house clean. Below are a few tips on how to keep your house clean.
1. Keeping your dog and their bedding clean
This may sound obvious but it’s important to note that, the dirt you get rid of when grooming your dog, is not usually entirely from the house. Either way, you should always ensure your dog has a grooming routine. Even though it is harmful to use shampoo often, you can use plain water to wash and brush your dog. Proper grooming helps to reduce shedding and this can help to maintain your house cleanliness. However, don’t wash your dog too often as this can strip his/her natural oils from the skin and as a result increase dryness.
Besides, regularly clean your dog’s bedding and housing. Dirty housing can lead to a dirty dog and eventually a dirty home and that is not what you want. However, make sure that the supplies you clean with are safe to use around your dog.
2. Give Your Pet Enough Exercise
While exercising your dog is a great way to spend quality time together, it is also a good way to keep your house clean. An exhausted dog is less likely to cause disruptions than a bored dog who needs stimulation. You can either play with the dog some outside games or simply go for a walk. Ensure you purchase the best dog harness to stop pulling to swiftly walk your dog. A dog cannot chew up things or gnaw on furniture if he/she is tired. This is an easy way to keep a dog exercised and keep your home clean.
3. Clean Stains Immediately
With dogs and mostly new puppies, accidents are somehow expected. The sooner you attend to any dog stain, the better. Urine is strong and carpets can permanently damage the dye color. Cleaning immediately is hygienic, can help to eliminate odors and to prevent the dog from going back to the same spot again. To clean fresh stains, first, blot as much as possible with a clean cloth. After absorbing the maximum moisture, apply a cleaning solution.
Enzyme -based solutions neutralize the uric acid are the most effective. On the other hand, if you don’t have an already pre-made solution, you can make your solution with a variety of home remedies available. An example of an effective solution is a 1/4 teaspoon of a clear dish washing liquid mixed with one cup of lukewarm water. For old stains or persistent stain smell, consult with a professional cleaner. For any stuck solid messes, get rid of them with a dull knife.
4. Use of Place Mats and Doormats
Your dog does not mind whether there is a placemat or not. However, for easy cleaning up, placemat under its bowl. You can either DIY your mat or purchase one. Placemats should be easily wipeable and durable. Avoid purchasing fabric placemats as when water spills on them, they might cause damage on some floors like hardwood floors. A silicone mat is preferable as it catches all spills. Also available some placemats have slightly raised edges that prevent any spilled liquid from spilling over to the floor, rather stays on the placemat. Another plus is it is easy to clean up over a sink.
On the other hand, you can purchase absorbent doormats or can simply use bath mats. They help to take any wetness or dirt from your dog at the door so it does not get into the house. Whenever it gets dirty you can either hand wash or throw it into the machine, either way, it keeps your house clean.
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