router table
A router table in your woodworking shop can provide a lot more functionality to the router and your shop. If you've been using a stationary hand router or a plunge router, it can be an experience you would want a lot earlier. You can easily use a stationary handheld router, or even a plunge router with a router table and use it for the best output. The Ryobi router tables are among the best router tables that can help you get the conveniences to a whole new level.
According to the experts from woodtoolspro.com, 80% of the router users use a router table to increase the woodworking efficiency. However, along with the conveniences, a router table can also become a dangerous and scary tool if you don't know how to use it. In this article, I'll help you understand how you can use a Ryobi router table and push your router for better performance.
How To Use A Ryobi Router Table
Ryobi routers are great for both professional work and beginners; but, you have to assemble it properly and start using it. Here are the things you must know if you're planning to use a Ryobi router table to get the best out of it:
1. Setting up the router table
If you have just gone to the Ryobi router table and are planning to use it for your projects, setting it up is the first thing you consider. It may seem an easy job at first, but if you're new to it, trust me, it can be a lot harder than you think it is. Before you start assembling it, don't forget to go through the manufacturer's manual for the best reference. Here, I will help you through the process briefly to make you understand how you can set up your Ryobi router table.
2. Set up the power box
First, put the table upside down and inspect the bottom to find the front and the back of the table, the fence will go on the back. You have to attach the power box under the front bottom side of the table, it's the side with 7 screw holes or 4 on either end. Take the rail that matches the holes, connect the power box to the rail, and attach it to the front bottom of the table.
3. Attach the legs of the table
After the power box, it's time to attach the router table; you have to do it while the table is still upside down. Take the legs, a Phillips screwdriver, or a power screwdriver like putting the legs in before you screw them in. Screw the legs on their places, tighten them up firmly so that they don't trouble while using the router, and fall off. You can turn the table on its legs and test if it has the right firm base it needs to stay on the ground.
4. Attaching the insert plate
You will get a mounting plate that you have to insert inside the cutout in the middle of the table along with the router. There are several holes on the plate; they are there to take in routers from different brands as they all have their mounting pattern. You must follow the right pattern to screw in the router with the plate; you can find out more about it from woodtoolspro.com. Now, before you attach the router with the plate, remove the base plate that comes attached to the router in prior. It comes attached so that you can use it with hands without the table. Now, align the router's holes to the mounting and use the bolts that come with the router to fasten them together.
5. Attaching the fence and miter gauge
Put the router through the hole in the middle of the table and fasten the mounting insert plate a little. Take a scale, put it on the table to level the surface, fasten it back and forth to ensure it's dead flat. The same goes for the right to left; level them the way you did for the front and back. Now, take the fence, put it aligning the rail, and fasten them from the bottom with the bolts. Attach the miter gauge the same way, follow the manual to know which bolt you have to use. The miter gauge goes on the side of the table, which is closer to you while working. They respectively should come back and forth and side to side without bumping or cringing.
6. Complete installing the router table
Now that you have almost everything in place, it's time to attach the feather board, the router bit, and start working. Start with installing the feather board to the fence; make sure it's not too tight or too loose, just the right amount of tightness will do the job. Take your router bit, put it into the router, and cover it with the right throat ring before you start working. Now, the assembly of the machine is complete, and it's ready to go for its first cut or design work.
7. Adjusting the height and cutting lumbers
Take out the insert plate, adjust the height of the router bit using the adjustment knob under the router, and put it back in. Now, measure the size of the bit you need, and adjust the feather board for the height of the board you're working with. Tighten the feather board, start the machine, and push the lumber under the feather board to land your first cut.
Final words
The biggest advantage of using a router table is that it gives you flexibility and lets you control the piece instead of the router itself. Ryobi routers have the reputation of being the best router tables, both for beginners and professionals. Using a Ryobi router table can help you get more jobs done with more efficiency than ever. If you have to use the machine for professional work, make sure it has the right height to the base. You can fit the router table on another workbench, get some setup ideas from woodtoolspro.com, and see how the experts do it.
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