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How Practice Tests Assist You In Prepping For Various Microsoft MCSA Credentials?

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Microsoft MCSA Credentials

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Microsoft MCSA Credentials for a certification exam shouldn’t be all drama and stress. There’s definitely a way to make it more relaxing and even entertaining! And if it’s your first time taking a certification exam from a renowned IT company like Microsoft, you got yourself lucky. In this blog, you will be introduced to some of Microsoft’s most utilized Microsoft MCSA Credentials, together with its corresponding exam/s. Aside from that, you’ll acquire some noteworthy tips that you can incorporate during your training.

One of the most remarkable IT organizations for decades

Having a Microsoft certification transforms you into a proficient and productive IT professional. These internationally acclaimed accreditations are all about enhancing your knack in a particular IT specialization, from Azure to SQL Server to Dynamics 365. And one of their most in-demand certification tracks is no other than MCSA 70-486 .


Some of the best Microsoft MCSA Credentials to pursue

MCSA, or Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, are accreditations suited for those who want to jump into a tech career. These associate-level certifications equip you with a deep-rooted understanding of an IT scope, which will then give you a competitive edge in your chosen profession. Often than not, Microsoft MCSA Credentials credentials are prerequisites for MCSE or Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. For your guidance, here are some current MCSA validations, together with its mandatory cert exam/s.


  • MCSA: Universal Windows Platform

This one establishes your prowess in various Universal Windows Platform apps through C# programming (exam 70-483) and mobile apps development (exam 70-357).

  • MCSA: Web Applications

To become a dependable web administrator or developer, you have to be skillful in managing advanced web apps. You can do so by equipping yourself with skills either in CSS3 & JavaScript programming (exam 70-480) or C# programming language (exam 70-483). Once you’ve chosen one of the two exams, you will also need to complete exam 70-486 so you’ll acquire expertise in Microsoft MVC-based and ASP.NET solution.

  • MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014

This MCSA certification is a well-liked among database specialists and developers because it refines their ability in SQL Server 2012/201. In particular, the certification allows you to create queries (exam 70-461), oversee databases (exam 70-462), and manage data warehouses (exam 70-463).

  • MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Development

Take your database Microsoft MCSA Credentials career to the next level with this Microsoft MCSA Credentials. Before you earn this one, you have to conquer its two exams. Exam 70-761 highlights your aptitude in writing queries via Transact-SQL. Exam 70-762, on the other hand, gives emphasis to your skills in developing different SQL databases. It’s an ideal choice if you plan to get a position of a database developer.

  • MCSA: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations

If you want to be an expert in Microsoft Dynamics 365, accomplish the exams required by this Microsoft credential. You have the option to choose between exams 70-764 and 70-765. Upon completion, you also need to pass exam MB6-894. All in all, these certification exams will compensate you with knowledge in SQL databases, as well as Dynamics 365 technologies. Take note of the availability of this MCSA certification, which is only up to June 30, 2020.


Best tips to follow for a successful exam attempt

Once you have chosen your desired MCSA track, you can now begin your certification path. To guide you with the process, here are some useful tips and tricks that you can maximize throughout your exam course.


  • Fully prepare yourself

A certification exam is a remarkable investment, hence the hefty price tag that comes with it. As you embark on your career development, it’s vital that you know what you are up to. Earning a certification is a tough process. Thus, you have to prepare yourself, create a strategic plan, and ready your finances.

  • Fully grasp the official exam objectives

The exam objectives are provided for a reason. These are the key topics that will be incorporated into the certification exam. Thus, always use the official exam content as your reference and carefully read and understand everything, from the first exam requirement to the last.

  • Exhaust all the materials endorsed by Microsoft

Since you are preparing for an MCSA exam, you’ve got to utilize all the resources provided by Microsoft first before you try other materials. The best thing about their collection of exam materials is that it’s quite extensive. They have training videos, online courses, study guides, and mock tests to support you in your skills development.

  • Use practice tests as your final tool in exam preparation

Your knowledge is irrelevant if you don’t put it into action. So, you’ve got to make use of practice tests to check if your skills are already polished and if you’re more than ready to take your certification exam. Luckily, Microsoft provides a specific set of practice tests for all their exams. These official mock tests are highly functional in brushing up your technical skills as well as expanding your exam comprehension.

  • Take time to answer exam dump questions

In addition to the official practice tests, you’ve got to try PrepAway’s free exam dumps. These ete files are user-friendly, making it very popular among people who want to hone their grasp of the exam topics. To use their dumps, you also have to download the ETE Exam Player, which runs the files smoothly and easily. To give other options to exam takers, PrepAway provides a premium bundle for most of their available certifications too. In addition, this package includes a training course, and a study guide. Being popular among candidates, this web resource is a great one that offers the most valuable material to hone your skills and pass your exam from the first try.



If you want to earn the above-listed MCSA certifications, it’s advisable that you prepare as early as now. Just in case you do not know, several MCSA validations, along with MCSD and MCSE, were already retired to give way to the new technical certification track. The new curriculum consists of job-based certifications, which are likely to be the main focus of Microsoft in the coming years. So, what are you waiting for? Develop your IT profession with the help of the well-renowned IT accreditation and ace the tests using the most dependable exam dumps.







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