Mistakes When Choosing A Juicer
Preparing juices for children, processing the crop, joining Dolce Vita with the inevitable fresh juices for breakfast - there can be many reasons for choosing a vegetable juicer, and alas, too. We tell you how NOT to Choosing A Juicer.
Choosing A Juicer Mistakes
Mistake 1: Choose a narrow-neck auger juicer for the apple harvest
Choosing a juicer Of course, if you have one stunted apple tree, then slowly, but surely you can do it. Or if you have a lot of time and patience. But in general - Aicok juicers work slowly and are not so often with large loading necks (although recently they began to appear). For the quick processing of buckets and buckets of apples, a sufficiently powerful centrifugal (centrifugal, ordinary) model with a rated power of at least 250 W and a loading neck of the “whole apple” format is needed: most often it is 6.5–7.5 cm in diameter, but it happens 8 and even 9 cm.
If you are satisfied that things will go slowly, then you can choose a screw model, but always with a large loading neck, for example, like the Breville BJE830BSS1BUS1 Juice Founatin Cold XL, Brushed Stainless Steel Centrifugal Juicer, etc.
Mistake 2: Choose a centrifuge juicer for processing berries and soft fruits
If you want to squeeze juice from currants, strawberries, gooseberries, peaches, watermelon, grapes, tomatoes, kiwi fruits with loose structure or berries with small stones, then steel mesh filters of a centrifuge juicer will instantly clog. Do not look that most models have low speed “for soft fruits”, all the same, the cake will be wet, and the amount of squeezed juice will be very small. For such types of products, it is a screw juicer that is more suitable for crushing fruits and berries with a screw rather than a knife. Choosing a juicer will be maximum, and the cake will be dry, in the juice, there will be quite a lot of useful pulp.
Mistake 3: Do not take into account the time that the juicer can work without interruption
For screw juicers, the maximum time for a “work shift” is from several tens of minutes to several hours, for centrifugal (ordinary, centrifugal) ones — rarely more than 10 minutes, or even 5–7. Then the juicer should be allowed to rest. It is for this reason that many experts consider screw juicers as procurement specialists, but this is only partially true (see the first error).
Mistake 4: Buying a centrifugal juicer without protecting the engine from overheating
If the instructions say that after five minutes of operation, the juicer must be turned off to allow it to cool, you can take this into account, but you are unlikely to look at the clock when working with it. In high-quality devices, automatic protection against overheating should work: when the critical temperature is reached, the circuit opens - and that's all, it's not your concern. In cheap choosing a Juicers, motors burn out quickly, precisely because they are powerful and are not endowed with protection.
Mistake 5: To consider high power as the main attribute of the quality of the juicer
For example, screw juicers (Choosing A Juicer) squeeze almost dry, while they have low-power engines (about 150 W) with a small (about 80–120) revolutions per minute. But they can work for hours without a break and do it very quietly, and the auger crushes the fruits and berries leisurely, but with high quality. If we are talking about a centrifugal juicer, then you need to understand that some manufacturers indicate the maximum power of the model (when the engine is locked), and some indicate the working, nominal, and this may well be 200–250 W, and not 1000–1200 W.
Mistake 6: Chasing high speeds
When buying a centrifuge (regular) juicer, it is better to look at the speed of rotation. From 8,000 to 10,000 per minute is quite normal. Less - it will work slower and consume a lot of electricity, more - not much faster (because it still takes time to filter and eject the pulp), and also high energy consumption. But it looks spectacular when they write that the engine rotates at a speed of 15,000 rpm.
Mistake 7: Buy a juicer without automatically ejecting the meal in a container
There are models in which the waste remains in the separator, or the pulp container is “built-in” into the body, like Philips HR1869 / 30. Such devices, after preparing several glasses of juice, have to be disassembled and cleaned. If you need juice for breakfast, then this is not scary, but if you need to process buckets of apples, then you are tormented.
Mistake 8: Buy a separate citrus juice squeezer with a screw
This is justified if you are too lazy to peel citrus fruits, and you want to make juice from halves of oranges and grapefruits by “pushing” them onto the cone of a citrus press. If to clean is not a problem, then the screw juicer will perfectly cope with citruses.
Mistake 9: Neglect the drop-stop system
It can be anything: a valve on the nose, an upward-facing nozzle, an electronic lock, but it should be. Without it, you will lose precious drops and stain the table.
Also Read: Best juicer for carrots
Mistake 10: Buy a juicer whose parts cannot be washed in a dishwasher
Firstly, it is inconvenient, and secondly, it can speak of the manufacturer’s uncertainty about the quality of the materials from which the “internals” of the device are made. The screw juicers seem to “wash” - yes, you can pass some water through it, but still, there are many small internal parts that need to be cleaned. Centrifugal parts are smaller and more substantial, but the strainer is clogged. So the advice is essential for both types of juicers. Some manufacturers do not recommend washing the strainer of the centrifuge juicer in the machine but make it as smooth as possible so that nothing remains after washing under running water. Typically, information about such an advantage is presented on the packaging and sounds in advertising.
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