Memories still abound of that black metal grill from my childhood days. Ours had four legs, a move up from the tripod type of stand the less expensive grills sported. Squirt lighter fluid on the charcoal briquettes and after a toss of a match, the flames would die down as they heated briquettes glowed before turning white. The smell of burning briquettes is soon overridden by the aroma of burgers and weenies taking on grill marks.
Not considered cheap at the time since that was the type of grill most people had, you'd be hard-pressed to find that grill today. The closest model has a domed cover, a kettle-shaped base, and costs about $150. Not a bad price for a standalone grill. If you are going grill hunting, have an idea beforehand of what type of grill you want: built-in (you are going for an outdoor kitchen), free-standing (it's on legs/stand), or tabletop/portable.
Table Top/Portable Grills
For less than $30, you can get yourself a charcoal grill with folding legs, perfect for steaks, burgers, chicken pieces, or hotdogs. This type of grill is suitable for transporting to the park for a family picnic or setting up on your apartment balcony. For roasting, you can move up to the lidded kettle-type portable grill at about $340.
Free Standing Grills
Freestanding grills can be charcoal or propane-powered. Charcoal grills mimic the tabletop models but are just larger. They start at $100. For the real charcoal grilling enthusiastic, you can expect to pay upward to $3,000 for a stainless steel model on a wheeled cart where the grill includes attached, small side prep-areas. The lid is attached and when open, displays a large grilling area about 30 inches wide and a second shelf for warming or holding cooked food.
Gas (propane) grills have more features than their charcoal counterparts because the gas can be used to power auxiliary burners giving you the option to warm a pot of baked beans while grilling meat or vegetables.
Also, with a gas grill, you can control the height of the flame, the temperature of the grill when the lid is down for roasting purposes, and how much of the grill is heating. The latter becomes a great feature if you only need to use part of the grill.
Gas grills with auxiliary burners can cost around $200 for a basic model and up to $3,000 for gas grills with 4 burners, warming rack, rotisserie, storage, and capacity for a natural gas hookup.
Built-In Grills
Referred to as an outdoor kitchen, built-in grills are set next to or into a countertop made of granite, concrete, brick, or another outdoor sturdy surface. Stainless steel to bear the abuse of weather, built-in charcoal grills range from $1,500-$2,000.
Built-in gas grills are similar to freestanding gas grills when it comes to features. The noticeable difference is the size and BTU capacity. 54 inches wide gives you plenty of cooking space to feed a large party. Pricing can climb to over $6,000 for the best models.
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