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Own A Lavish Farmhouse? Here Are Top Ideas For Maintaining It For Years To Come

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Owning a farmhouse is a privilege that only few have, not just monetarily, but effort-wise too. A farmhouse might give access to a peaceful environment placed in between nature but it all comes with a price. It’s not an easy task to preserve, protect and maintain the expanse of a farmhouse, especially if you are located at a distance from it. There are many who choose to opt out (resell?) of such a challenging arrangement. 

Those who plan on keeping their farmhouse have to work hard on a regular basis for its upkeep and shell out money for cover crop, security and fencing to keep some trespassers at bay.

Read ahead to find out some top ideas for maintaining your farmhouse:


Once you get a farmhouse, the expanse of the land becomes your responsibility. Apart from fencing, employing a security guard secures the farm. When kept on the basis of monthly wages, they can always be on the lookout for anomalies and inspect the nook and crannies of your property, regardless of the farmhouse design.

Install alarms and motion/touch sensors

You can equip your farmhouse with CCTV cameras and alarms so that you are always warned of any unwanted guests. For the expansive nature of your land, a guard might sometimes fail to catch hold of an intruder. In such conditions, installation of motion/touch sensors around the boundary walls of your farm can raise an alarm in case of any security breach. 

Make a note of maintenance requirements

Just like the open farm lands, some constructed machineries and equipment also need regular maintenance. One should always be on a look out for issues, such as leakages, and get the faulty bits fixed as soon as possible, for lower repair costs. If you’re unable to schedule regular rounds, make sure to keep a note of the things that deserve immediate attention and urgent repair. 

Use physical barriers to prevent encroachment

Fencing the boundary walls can be a smart way to prevent land disputes in an area filled with farmhouses. Once the stealth is done and the accused is caught later, a problem may arise about the whereabouts of the stolen product. To avoid all that confusion from arising, it's better to prevent it first with a strong boundary fencing and alarms ready to go off with any unexpected intrusion. This will also help to differentiate your property from other similar properties.

Plant cover crops for soil health

If there’s a long-term investment in improving your property’s soil health, then it goes into cover crops. They generally slow erosion, increase water availability, get rid of weeds, control pests and diseases. The advantages of cover crops are realized gradually. Research says that cover crops can also stand erratic weather.

Adding cover crops to cash crops can increase yield and keep the soil from eroding. The benefits of cover crops can become visible after some consecutive years of use. It is a long-term investment that shows results over time. Other than improving soil health, cover crops can also improve water infiltration and nutrients in the soil.

Employ a caretaker for planting and nurturing

Planting for own consumption or for market sale, the crops need regular care and nurtering. If not an expert, one can also fail to identify a pest infested plant or eroded soil. That makes it important that you hire a caretaker to take care of the planting and nurturing process. 



With advancements in technology and farming methods, owning a farmhouse has stopped being a matter of concern. It can not only lead to some homegrown yield but also give you the satisfaction of a successful produce.







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