Water is one such agent which has the possibility of destroying several things in your house whether it is your television or your recliner. Nothing is safe from water!
Water damage can happen due to leak in the pipeline or maybe due to bursting of an internal pipe.
You may not realize such damages initially as they are not visible. You will realize them later when you see a leaking roof, wet walls or flooring, peeling off the paint or wallpaper.
It may be an issue of greater concern if the amount of water is huge.
This may create a lot of tension around. You may not realize what need to be done and how to remove this water. This blog highlights the way in which you can tackle such a situation.
1) Safety is essential
Once the water has entered the premises it is not advisable to move in the water. This is because water may conduct electricity and you may get electrocuted. Depending on the source of water, it can be dirty and may it may contain debris, bio-waste, sewage, branches, waste, and much more.
Walking into the water may infect you with several diseases. Proper precautions need to be followed in order to avoid these infections.
You must wear long boots, long sleeved shirts, N-95 mask, hand gloves, eye googles and a face shield. You should not touch any electrical equipment as it may conduct electricity which can be harmful for you.
2) Identify the source and Close it
The first step of water removal is by identifying the source of water and stopping it. The water may be coming from a leaked pipe, internal bursting of a pipe. In case there is internal leakage you should close the main water inlet so that the water entering your premises is minimized.
In case of flood, you do not need to look for the source of the water as it caused due to the weather. You can also install automatic shutoff valves which can trip off as soon as the water enter the premises thus causing the minimum damage. They are helpful in case your area witnesses flooding.
3) Employ a Pump to remove water
If the water is limited then you may consider removing it manually with the help of a bucket, but this process can be exhausting and may take a huge amount of time if you do it alone.
Removing the water in first 24-48 hours is crucial, otherwise it may attract mold which can cause more harm to your home.
Employ a pump instead as it can remove the water faster. You can employ a wet vacuum for this purpose. Let the water be accumulated into a sewage tank or into your lawn. You can even put it in a drain if possible.
4) Drying the place
Once the water is removed you need to dry the place completely. Remove all the carpets, rugs, personal belonging, clothes and furniture. Let it dry in the sun until they are completely dry.
You must open all the windows and fans as well so that the internal structure of your house can dry properly. If possible you should also switch on the ventilation system as it will increase the speed of the process.
You can even install dehumidifiers or extra fans so that the water can dry more quickly. You can ask a professional water removal company to install them for you if you do not have them.
Last few words!
Keep yourself calm and composed as the process will take time but there is nothing to worry as Everything will be alright. Follow all the steps and be sure that all the water is removed else it may cause problem in future.
You can also hire a water removal company. They have skilled professional who can carry the whole process from identification of source to restoring your home to normal condition.
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