DIY Injuries lists for diyers to know!
We all partake in a little DIY from time to time. Whether you’re putting up a shelf, replacing the sealant around your bathtub or you’re putting together some flatpack furniture, we do DIY to keep our homes well maintained and to keep them looking fresh.
But while you’re carefully rereading the instructions on your flatpack furniture for the fourth time, you could be putting yourself at risk. DIY accidents are on the main reason adults head to the emergency room each year, with accidents ranging from soft tissue damage to broken bones and even brain trauma.
So, what are the most common DIY injuries and why do they happen? Read on to find out more.
Defective tools

defective tools
When it comes to DIY, you need the right tools to do the job properly. Sadly, when you’ve purchased defective and dangerous products, your own safety is out of your hands. If you’ve been injured by a dangerous or defective DIY product then you should speak to a personal injury lawyer at a firm, like this PI law firm in Chicago. If the product wasn’t fit for purpose, has caused you an injury, wasn’t as described and even put your life at risk then don’t suffer in silence.

woman falling, staircase accident
Climbing up a ladder to clean your gutters or repair a roof tile, painting the walls in your home, or even adjusting your TV aerial, working at height is quite common when you’re DIYing. Sadly, so is falling from your ladder and injuring yourself.
If you’re planning on using a ladder, make sure it’s in good condition, that’s placed on a sturdy non-slip surface and you have someone holding the ladder underneath you. Remember, you don’t have to fall from great heights to hurt yourself. Even falling from a relatively low step ladder can leave DIY enthusiasts with broken limbs and excruciating pain.

Saws, gardening shears, scissors, knives, box cutters, it's common to find these items in any toolbox. However, because most of these implements aren't properly maintained, they're often blunt and require the user to apply heavy amounts of pressure to get the job done. Sadly, this is when hands slip and cuts and lacerations occur.
If you want to avoid DIY accidents like this, always keep your DIY tools in good condition and use gloves/handguards where possible.
Eye injuries

close up of a bloodshot eye looking up damage by an injury, eye injury
We often take our sight for granted. And it’s only when we’re experiencing excruciating eye pain do, we suddenly wish we’d taken better precautions. Dust, bits of metal, fibers, even grass and splinters - if you’re doing a DIY job that creates these kinds of irritants, always wear adequate eye protection! It’s also a good idea to have some emergency eye solution in your first aid box so you can wash your eyes if needed.

Perhaps you’re burning garden waste, you’re handling chemicals or you’re taking on a big project and you’re welding. Burns are a very common DIY injury and they can be incredibly debilitating. Always ensure you’re taking the best safety precautions when handling any task that could result in burns.
Now that we saw some very common injuries when performing any DIY projects, we need to be very careful and be ready to correct tools. It also makes very sense to hire Pros when needed instead of making mistakes and get injuries. Life is precious!
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