water leak
Winter is just around the corner, and as a homeowner, you’ll want to make sure that everything is in working order. Your heating system will need to work more than usual to keep the house warm. If your home is not accurately insulated, you might find that you’re losing a lot of energy. The installation of the insulated PEX pipe is the best resolution to prevent this kind of problem. There are some signs that your house could be poorly insulated, and we’re going to highlight some of them.
High Energy Bills
This is one of the tale-tale signs that your home could be under-insulated. The only way you can know what is truly happening is by doing an energy audit. For starters, there should be a point of comparison. You can pick the months where the energy bills were not as high and compare them with the increase. You can also compare your energy consumption to that of your neighbors in similar circumstances. If there is a big deviation, there is a chance that you could be losing energy. You can find out more at Insulation4US website if you’re looking for a holistic insulation solution.
Fluctuating Temperatures
There should be even temperatures in the different parts of your home. If you find that different rooms in your home have different temperatures, it could be a sign of poor insulation. Your HVAC system can help in maintaining even temperatures but good insulation plays an important role as well. Your HVAC system might have to work twice as hard in order to maintain even temperatures across the room.
Water Leaks in the Attic
It is easier for water to find its way in a home that is poorly insulated. If you’re constantly having issues with moisture in the attic, there is a high chance that the issue could be insulation. You might want your home checked with an expert just to be sure.
Pests in Your Home
There is nothing more stressful than having to deal with pests in your home. When you start noticing insects, you’ll not only have to worry about the insects, there is also a chance that there could be issues with insulation. Insects can find their way into your home with the holes and openings around the windows and doors. When you insulate your home, you’ll not only be saving on energy but also providing protection against pest infestation.
Frozen Pipes
Frozen pipes behind the wall is usually an indicator that there could be serious problems with insulation. In areas where the temperatures are freezing, proper insulation can provide protection for the pipes. Frozen pipes are susceptible to bursting which could result in thousands of dollars in repairs.
Condition of the System in Place
If you lived in a home for a long time, there is a high chance that the insulation in place might not be desirable. If it is more than 20 years, it will be hard for it to meet the current building codes. You won’t be doing yourself any favor by insisting on keeping it when you stand to gain a lot more by installing a new insulation system. Reach out to a professional. You don’t want to do the new installation on your own when you have to deal with the old which could be contaminated.
Cracks in Wrong Places
A few cracks around the doors and windows should be an easy fix. You want to make sure that the cracks are not the reason why you’re losing heat. That is why they should be fixed as soon as they happen. It could be that small crack that is letting in the air into your home.
Getting an Insulation Contractor
Once you’ve realized there is a need for insulation, the next step would be to search for an insulation contractor. One of the key qualities you should be looking for is the experience of the contractor. You also want to check the materials that will be used for the insulation. Working with a local contractor will come with a couple of benefits. There is a greater sense of accountability. You’ll know who to reach out to in case there is an issue. Such a company will also have a reputation to maintain and wouldn’t want to do anything that could hurt it.
To sum it up, most of the signs of poor insulation will be obvious if you’re keen enough. You don’t want to wait until the problem gets out of hand before you can look for a solution. Good insulation will not only save you energy but increase comfort levels in the home.
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