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Table Saw Accidents | What you should know About Table Saw Safety

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Table Saw Safety Tips


Table Saw Accidents

How to Choose the Best Hybrid Table Saw

The table saw accidents become a common issue today. About sixty-five thousand people are the victim of this accident every year. It also increases day by day. The blade of the table saw turns about 3500 to 4400 rpm. This energy is roughly 100 miles per hour which is not safe for the users.

While this energy is used for a smooth cut through for a block of thick wood, it can create a serious accident in the blink of the eye. The use of table saw can be the main cause of cut off a finger or a serious laceration.

There are various extremely serious injuries that can happen with the operators such as a fracture, a brain injury, an eye injury, and so much more. This type of accident not only costs at least one hundred to three hundred dollars but also the pains of the injury become unbearable.

Technological prevention:

Advance technology always tries to make such a thing that can reduce the injury while the user uses any technological items. For a table saw accident isn’t different. Advanced technologies have more options to prevent a sudden accident when you use a table saw. The table saw accident can be reduced if the saw is designed with the proper guard with safety features.

These types of technology can stop any type of injury. It can reduce serious injuries immediately. But many manufacturers try to increase the cost of the saw. On the contrary, most manufacturers have fought to increase new technology. In addition, the production company has to allow the consumer to select and offer models so that they can help to reduce these types of injuries.


The manufacturers can’t implement new technology to the consumer with a reasonable price to reduce the injuries. These types of defects of the manufacturers are the main cause of fail to install or provide available technologies to reduce injury.

About blade guards:

Table Saw Accidents

Best Table Saw

Some professionals use costly and heavy duty table saw rip fence system to get fine cut but don’t care of vital components. Table saw contains a sharp blade guard that is the best and essential elements when you work with this type of machine. Mainly these blade guards are safe to use safety glass plus face shield. This is important to reduce injury. The tools which contain a sharp blade must include a safety guard. However, the manufacturing companies have made them with removable blade guards so that can use it properly.

Woodworking is a professional job. The woodworker uses the table saw in their workshop to complete their project. Most of the time, the worker is unable to perform precise cuts with the help of the blade guard.

Manufacturers are known for this issue and they also fail to take proper steps to correct it. Without removing the blade guard, it is the best to use it by adding the features or by modifying the saw to help the detachment problem.

About riving knives:

The riving knives are very efficient and not very dangerous. But the spreader is the cause of dangerous injuries such as head injury or even death. Most of the time table saw users use it to cut particleboard, plywood, or other wooden materials. And they kick them back with high levels of speed which is a reason of serious injury. These types of injury can happen daily and the total injury can’t count.

Safety tips:

Table Saw Accidents

Why Do You Need a Table Saw

There are a few safety tips that can help the saw user to avoid table saw accident easily.

  • To avoid the accident you can use a band saw instead of the table saw.
  • You just can use tracksaw instead of the table if you can’t handle the table saw trickily.
  • Try to use an automatic stock feeder when you will go to use the table saw.
  • The most another option is to know how to use this tool safely. There is no anything to advise, just use your hands to push the wood at the time of working with the sharp blade.
  • Try to use a better feather board.
  • Avoid taking hold of the work piece away from the blade.
  • Stand aside away when you will go to work with the table saw.
  • One of the major causes of a table saw the accident. If you want to avoid it, keep alert or avoid kickback the wood or stay aside when you use the saw.
  • Don’t wear long sleeves, loose clothing near tools.
  • Avoid long hair if you want to work with the table saw.
  • You should use a blade splitter on your table saw.
  • Don’t forget to use the saw blade guard.
  • Don’t take any type of drug or alcohol when you will go to work with the table saw.
  • Confusion is the greatest cause of the accident. So, don’t lose your balance when you work with this tool.
  • Don’t make any entertainment environment when you work on the table saw.
  • Rest the saw from plugging when you are not using this machine.
  • Make a serious concentrate on your job.
  • Don’t hurry with this job.
  • When you feel tired, you must take rest to keep the work from the table saw.
  • Be seriously careful at all the times when you work with this serious tool in your workshop.

Woodworking Tips: Table Saw Safety Tips


In summary, we can realize that the novel technology design can stop the table saw accident seriously. After all that, you can also avoid any serious injury by following the steps that we discuss in this post.






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