upperfixer Home tools reviews

California Auto Insurance: Protecting Every Ride

car parking

In the dynamic state of California, where scenic landscapes, bustling cities, and thrilling adventures beckon, the automobile is an integral part of daily life. Its diverse terrain, from picturesque coastal roads to winding mountain trails, offers a captivating driving experience. However, this captivating environment also poses unique challenges, particularly in densely populated urban areas notorious … Read more

How Do You Get Paid After Settling a Fire Insurance Claim?

fire insurance claim documents money calculator papers

Completing a fire insurance claim is not an easy process. It can involve months of paperwork, inspections, estimates, and even Examinations Under Oath. When the process is finally complete, you may want to breathe a sigh of relief and get to the business of repairing your home and getting life back on track. Unfortunately, you … Read more

Step By Step Auto Insurance Policy Purchase

car door open

Sometimes people are worried about simple tasks because they don’t know much about it. Buying car insurance can be confusing especially for new drivers as they may have an information overload very quickly. And agents can keep on talking in a language they understand and make it sound more complicated than it really is so … Read more

Common Terminologies Used by Insurance Providers

home Insurance Company

These days, more and more people are buying lavish luxury homes with thousands of square feet and costing tens of millions of dollars. These homes require tons of added living expenses, which means that homeowners need to get insurance. Below are some standard terms that homeowners may come across when purchasing insurance. What is an … Read more

Be Wary Of These Auto Insurance Scams

car cover

Car coverPurchasing car insurance so your automobile is protected against theft or damage is a wise financial decision. No one ever anticipates getting into an accident or having their car stolen, and if these unfortunate events happen to you, it can be very helpful to have an insurance policy in place. According to the National Insurance … Read more