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How To Use Oriental Weavers Rug To Decorate Your Deck

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decorated deck

decorated deck

The benefits of having a deck in your property surely outweigh the costs of its installation. A deck can improve the aesthetic appeal of your home’s exteriors, boost the value of your property, and increase your home’s square footage. As long as properly furnished, a deck also provides a place to host parties and family get-togethers. 

Your deck is functional as is, but decorating the area with a rug from Oriental Weavers can make the space look better, as well as more functional. Oriental Weavers rugs are usually made from different materials such as cotton, silk, and wool, and are originally produced from Oriental countries. The designs of these rugs often show images of eagles and parrots symbolizing power and protection, respectively. 

To help you out, here’s how you can decorate with a rug from Oriental Weavers:

1. Add Softness And Texture In Your Deck

Decks are functional outdoor spaces, but the ambiance in the area isn’t the same when you’re indoors. Decks are usually made from wood and stone—materials that are beautiful but can be uncomfortable when stepped on. Wood can also absorb and store significant amounts of heat. Metals, on the other hand, feel hotter or colder to the touch than other metals because they’re good thermal conductors. 

You can make your deck look softer by adding an Oriental Weavers rug to the space. Simply putting one under your outdoor seating furniture is enough to make your deck feel more comfortable. You and your family will be encouraged to kick off your shoes and relax on the deck if a rug is felt on your feet. This will also make your deck more comfortable, especially during the warmer and colder months. 

Moreover, the softness from an Oriental Weavers rug can add some visual texture to your deck. Seeing them in your deck will remind you of the softness of sand or grass, making it easy for you to relax and even doze off in the area. You’ll be surprised how a single rug can transform your deck into a completely new space!


2. Define Areas On Your Deck

Decks can have different purposes. Depending on the lifestyle of the homeowner, decks can be used as a venue for parties and get-togethers, or as a quiet reading nook for individuals. Some homeowners will also utilize their decks as play areas for their children. 

If you want to define several areas in your deck, use Oriental Weavers’ rugs. These pieces will help the household determine what specific activities should be done when they’re on the deck. When defining areas on your deck using rugs, take note of the following tips:

  • If your deck is large enough to be used for many purposes, make the most out of your rugs by using these to define areas. For starters, you can use a colorful rug for your children’s play areas, and then a more plain-colored rug for the adults’ conversation space.
  • When defining areas on your deck using rugs, make sure that the pieces of furniture used in the space are placed at the edges of the rug. If you’re going to create an adults’ conversation area, for example, the seating furniture to be used by the adults should be placed on the edges of the rug. Placing pieces of furniture outside of the rug will defeat the purpose of defining different areas on your deck.
  • For large decks, don’t be afraid to use more than one rug that come in different colors and designs. Just make sure that the rugs you’ll pick for your deck have similar colors and designs to achieve cohesiveness, and avoid stressing the eyes.
  • Pay attention to the design of the rugs you’ll choose to place on your deck. If you want to highlight your outdoor furniture, it’s best if you pick rugs that come in subtle designs. However, if you want your rug to become the focal point of your deck, opt to use pieces that have repeated or unique patterns.
  • Don’t use a rug that’s only big enough for one table. Committing this decorating mistake will make the surrounding furniture look smaller and won’t allow you to define areas on your deck.
chair and table on deck

chair and table on deck

3. Create Continuity In Your Indoor And Outdoor Spaces

Your deck should serve as an extension of your indoor space. However, your deck won’t be able to serve this purpose if the space looks and feels completely different from your home’s interiors. Instead of being a relaxing space, your deck will become too disconnected from your interiors and might only frustrate anyone who’s spending time at your home. 

You can use Oriental Weavers rugs to ensure that your indoor and outdoor spaces are connected to each other. This is especially useful if your home has wall-to-ceiling windows and doors. By creating a visual link using rugs, your indoor and outdoor spaces will effectively create the same ambiance.

If you’re planning to use an Oriental Weavers rug for this purpose, look for pieces that come in colors similar to your interior home design. For example, if your home is painted in neutral hues of cream and beige, start looking for rugs that come in the same color, as well. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways of creating continuity between your indoor and outdoor spaces. 

Depending on your preferences, you can even use the same Oriental Weavers rugs in and outside of your home. You can use a rug in your living area or any other indoor space that’s close to your deck, and then another rug for your deck. 


Buy Rugs Now

Oriental Weavers rugs are unique pieces that will surely bring more color and life to an otherwise plain deck. These pieces can even become your deck’s focal point and tie all of your existing design elements together. 

For you to maximize the benefits of Oriental Weavers rugs, start looking for stores that sell these items. The sooner you start scouting for sellers, the sooner you can enjoy a fresh-looking deck!







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