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What Is The Best Underlayment For Boston Commercial Roofing?

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A roof is not only made up of the roofing sheet. However, people usually focus on the roofing sheet considering how it is the most visible part of the roofing network. Well, it is worth mentioning that several other parts that make up the roofing network are also important. A prime example would be underlayment. Its importance is because it offers:

  • Water-proofing features
  • Effective moisture management
  • Wind resistance
  • Extended lifespan
  • Thermal efficiency

Candidly, these are just a few of the several reasons that buttress its importance. You can read this article for more on this subject.

Taking these into account, this article discusses how to choose the right underlayment product, especially for commercial projects. Furthermore, the need to get professional advice while doing this will be discussed here as well. So, read on to stay informed.

commercial roofing contractors

Choosing Roof Underlayment for Boston Commercial Premises

The need to choose the right underlayment product for all kinds of roofing projects cannot be overemphasized. However, it is a whole new ballgame for commercial projects as the demands are higher. Bearing this in mind, discussed below are some tips for selecting the right underlayment product for commercial roofing projects in Boston:


Be Aware of the Options

Just as with roofing sheets, there are several types of underlayment products. There are two major options even though both are split into several sub-options.

Synthetic and traditional are the basic options. The synthetic has options including rubberized asphalt and synthetic underlayment. On the other hand, the traditional option is an asphalt felt material.

You need to know these options well enough to make the right choice. This is very important especially because of the distinct features that they all have. For example, they do not offer the same level of durability, installation ease, and moisture resistance. So, such should be the basis for choosing.


Climatic Consideration

On the whole, climatic conditions are supposed to largely determine how roofs are constructed and what is used for their construction. Against this backdrop, the choice of underlayment for commercial roofing projects in Boston should largely be influenced by the weather and climatic conditions in the location.

For the record, you should know that Boston and Greater Boston as a whole cover a really large area. As a result, there are distinct climatic and weather conditions in various parts of this location.

Bearing this in mind, the climatic and weather peculiarities in your location should be factored in when choosing these products. This is very essential considering how some products are better suited for certain locations than others.

contractor fixing roof

Building Codes

For the record, permits may have to be secured before roofing projects can be carried out in Boston. Whether this is the case or not, there are local building codes specific to how roofing projects should be executed.

Furthermore, some of these codes are more specific on the kind of underlayment product to be used and how they should be used. For this reason, the right Boston roofing company should be engaged for commercial roofing projects. Among other things, the right roofer has local knowledge.

This implies that the roofer is well aware of the local building codes and how they relate to roofing projects at large. This is important because these professionals are supposed to ensure that the right underlayment in line with local building code is purchased and properly installed.


Waterproofing & Moisture Resistance

Roofs in Boston have to be inch-perfect when it comes to offering top-quality moisture resistant features. This is crucial because of the climatic and weather conditions in this location. For example, ice dams are not uncommon here.


Installation Method

Consider your commercial premises when making your choice. This is important because you need to choose something that would be suitable for installation in your premises.


Thermal Efficiency

Get and install something that offers sufficient insulation against cold, as well as heat. This is why choosing something with sufficient thermal efficiency features is of utmost importance.

Besides offering insulation against cold and heat, this is also important for the sake of energy efficiency, which impacts operational costs. So, take this into serious account when choosing an underlayment product.



The underlayment is not something that you want to repair or replace frequently. For one, it is in a much-concealed area. For this reason, repairs or replacement entails removing the roofing sheet. Given the capital-intensive nature of repair and replacement, as well as the stressful processes involved, you need to get and install a durable product.


UV Resistance

Ordinarily, Boston is high on the list of windiest cities in the country. Furthermore, the weather here can be very cold. This is especially true during winter, which can get very snowy.

Be that as it may, global warming and climate change are quickly changing the narrative. There are reports of how heat waves are fast becoming persistent in the city and beyond. For more information on this, you can visit: https://www.wbur.org/.

As a result of the changing climatic and weather narrative, it is important to get and use underlayment products that are very UV resistant. This ensures that people within such commercial properties can cope well even during heat waves.


Get Roofing Advice from a Professional Roofer

Getting advice from professional and reputable roofers is important for making the right roofing decisions. As a result, you should consult a professional roofer to help you make the right choice when it comes to choosing an underlayment product. Some of the reasons for this include the following:



These professionals are experienced in handling roofing projects. As a result, they are in a better position to tell you what works and what does not work. This means that they can help you choose the right underlayment as well.



These professionals can inspect your roof and help you choose an underlayment that would be best fitting for it. This is in addition to identifying flaws that need correction.


Cost Estimate

You need to have a good estimate of how much installing a new or replacing an old underlayment would cost you. These professionals are usually well aware of the current prices of these materials.



They ensure that you get something that complies with local building codes. They also have it installed in line with these codes.


Wrap Up

The aforementioned are just a few of the reasons why you need professional and reputable roofers in choosing the right underlayment. So, make sure you consult with very professional and reputable options in Boston for this purpose.







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