With the constantly rising temperatures, running an air conditioner has become essential in almost every home. However, various things can stop an AC from blowing cold air. If your unit isn’t blowing air as it should, it indicates something is wrong, and you must do something.
You can troubleshoot the unit before scheduling AC repair to determine if the issue is something you can rectify. However, it’s hard to pinpoint the problem unless you are an experienced AC technician. Besides, waiting to have the problem addressed could end up costing more.
This article will explain why your AC would stop blowing cold air. So, read on to learn more!
Factors that can make your AC stop blowing cold air
Nothing is more frustrating than turning on your AC to cool the high temperatures in your room, only to realize that it blows warm air. If that happens, then here are the possible causes.
1. Leaking refrigerant
The refrigerant in an AC unit may be leaking if your AC unit is not blowing cold air. However, you are likely to notice it too late when the levels run too low, and your AC fails to work.
Modern units have Puron (R410A) instead of Freon. It’s the recommended variety of refrigerant since it’s considerably eco-friendly.
The only way to fix refrigerant leakage in AC is to refill and repair the spots that might allow it to leak. However, refilling the refrigerant is risky, so you should leave it to a trained professional.
Leaking refrigerant could also cause problems in your space besides keeping the AC from cooling. Indoor humidity levels will increase, and so will temperatures inside. The good thing is that you can leak repaired.
2. Evaporator or condenser issues
The evaporator coils are bound to wear out sometime. Wearing out happens due to exposure to moisture which is inevitable as mold and mildew grow on it. UV lights come in handy to keep mold and mildew from growing.
Another issue could be a frozen coil due to refrigerant leaks. Check on the condenser, as it tends to wear out over time. Ensure that an expert examines the two and gives you a solution to bring back cool air into your home.
3. Thermostat issues
The thermostat controls the most significant parts of the workings of an AC. For example, a temperature setting in the thermostat controls when an air conditioner comes on. Your air conditioner turns on after sensing the room temperature above what is in the thermostat setting.
A change in the thermostat settings that is anything other than auto or cool will cause the AC to stop blowing cold air. After restoring to cool or auto and nothing changes, it indicates that the thermostat is faulty.
Try replacing the thermostat batteries and see if anything changes. If no cold air comes from the AC, then it’s time to enlist the services of an AC technician.
4. Dirty filters
The filters in your AC must get dirty since they remove impurities from the air. Contaminants like hair, pollen, dust, and lint often fill up the filter, preventing an AC from functioning correctly.
If your AC system is automated, it will shut down on sensing insufficient airflow in the unit. There is no way of receiving cold air from the AC then. You’ll have to improvise on getting cool air into your space by opening the windows.
Even after finding a temporary solution to have cool air in your home, don’t put your AC aside. Instead, call a repair expert to clean or replace the clogged filter or do it yourself. Clogged filters could cause damage to the interior components of the unit, such as the evaporator coil.
Clean the filters regularly and replace them every three months or less, especially if you have pets. You may do it yourself or request a technician to help you.
5. Power issues
Before concluding that your unit is damaged, check if you have plugged the cord correctly. Also, damage to the power cable could cause power transfer issues. Examine it for tears and breakage and if the plug head has damage.
If everything seems to be in place and your air conditioner is still not producing cold air, the electrical panel might be the problem. Check to see if a breaker tripped or the fuse blew.
These issues will cause the unit to stay off or not work as per its design. Inquire about air conditioner power issues from an expert if you can’t tell what’s what.
6. Clogged ventilation
Another part of your AC that could be clogged is the register or vents. Two vents work together to ensure you have consistent air in your home.
The return air vent directs air into the unit while the supply vents blow conditioned air into the target spaces. As a result, both vents may clog at the same time or alternatively.
Usually, the registers run throughout your home, developing leaks or blockages and affecting the cooling process. In addition, tears typically happen in the ductwork causing cold air to leak instead of reaching your space.
Rodents and vermin are often the culprits when you have torn and clogged ductwork. If the restriction is near the vents and not inside, the room from which the vent service is warmer than other rooms.
Vents sometimes close accidentally. Have an expert examine it. Repairing tears in the ductwork frequently should prompt you to start thinking about replacing it.
7. Your unit is old and worn out
Old worn-out units start shutting down gradually and often require a lot of repairs. The answer to your lack of cooling could be that the air conditioner has lasted its lifespan. The only solution in such a scenario is to replace it.
Replacing an old AC unit could be more reasonable in terms of costs compared to repairs. However, keep track of your unit’s age to avoid surprises.
Final Words
Various reasons could be behind your AC failing to blow cold air. You could resolve issues like setting the thermostat while leaving others, such as refilling the refrigerant, to an expert. However, it’s best to avoid problems by adequately maintaining your unit.
Service your AC twice a year, so it doesn’t break down and catch you off guard at an awkward time. As a result, your AC unit will generally work more efficiently, which will show in the amount you get to pay for utilities at the end of the month.
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