Best Garden Tools
Best Garden Tools is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable hobbies you can get into. It helps relieve stress and enhances mood. After a long stressful day at work, coming home to a beautiful gardening would be a nice thing to have.
To make the best out of your garden, you need to know how maintain it well. Besides planting new flowers and pruning trees, taking care of your lawn is also very important.
There’s one thing about gardening that everybody usually hates, it’s weeding. Imagine how troublesome weeds are as they snap when you pull them out instead of completely coming out of the ground. Plus, those overly-active roots that produce new leaves in less than two days.

There’s no way to avoid weeds, so it’s important to give some thought to the best way possible to remove them from your garden. It’s also important to know what type of weeds is growing in your garden and how they spread.
Normally, weeds are pulled out using hands as this is the easiest and the most convenient way of weeding. But there are times when the power of our hands does not work, thus, hand weeding becomes impractical. In this case, you may need to use weeding tools or Home Newtools.
Below are the most common weeding tools along with their functions and how to use them.
Different Types of Weeding Tools
There are many gardening tools you need to have if you’re serious about gardening. When it comes to weeding, it’s important to choose the right equipment for the right job. First, you need to understand the type of weeds your garden has so you know how to select the right tool.
Whether your garden is full of tiny weeds or deep-rooted weeds, a hoe or a hand hoe can both do the job; it’s just a matter of whether you want to stand or get on your knees. This time, you might need to know first the two different types of weeding tools that you may find in your local stores to choose the perfect weeding tool for you, that is, the short-handled and the long-handled.
Short-handled and long-handled are the two major categories of weeding tools. If you need to work on tight or closely planted areas, a short-handled tool is best. The only drawback of short-handled tools is the inconvenience when working as you’ll have to work on your knees. On the other hand, if you need to work on a larger area, a long-handled tool is best to use plus it allows you to stand while weeding.
However, these two are just the main categories of tools that you can use. There are several kinds of tools you may need for weeding and it comes in different design and functionality as well. There is no single tool that would do the entire weeding task for you, so sometimes, you will have to combine several tools to satisfy you.
Small Tools or Aids For Best Garden Tools
Small weeding tools or aids are typical handheld style hoes such as "Khurpi" or "Khurpa" used in small gardens or vegetable farms to dig soil and weed. Such tools have very low work efficiency and are held in a squatting position. These also come in different designs and are suitable for removing weeds in both row-sown and broadcast fields between plants.
Spades or Chopping Hoes

These small weeding tools work on the principle of impact and have straight, curved or pronged blades. Weeds are normally removed by digging, cutting and uprooting. These are also operated in the bending posture where the operation is normally slow and tiring.
Long-handled Garden Hoes
Widely-known for its effectiveness and usefulness, a long-handled hoe is used for dislodging weeds, for planting the lawn, and for stirring and lifting the soil, and can typically do a lot of work in a relatively small amount of time. Weeding hoes commonly have a sharp, angled blade that slices along the top layer of the soil to cut or uproot the weeds. This tool is also best for those with distant plants in their field, and those struggling with deep-rooted weeds.
With its long handles, the operator may walk and stand upright while working, thus, making their back a lot more comfortable and less strained.
Garden Cultivator
Garden cultivators, like a three-prong cultivator hand tool, make it easy to loosen the soil and pull out several weeds at once. It's great for weeding in a garden bed and can also be used to remove weeds from your flower or vegetable garden. Usually, you start by raking the surface of the soil. This will help you smooth out the dirt and also identify the weeds and their roots.

Oscillating Hoe
The tool consists of a blade that moves back and forth every time you push it through the soil. Its razor-sharp blade travels below the soil surface and slices through the weeds where they are most vulnerable. This stops or slows them from regenerating themselves because they have no foliage exposed to life-giving sunlight.
It also has a long handle which allows you to reach in amongst vegetable beds without trampling on them.
Cape Cod Weeder
This knife-like tool is used to cut weeds and loosen tough soils. This cuts weeds just below the soil line and is especially handy when working in tight places. It's essentially a curved, forged steel blade that has been attached to a wooden handle. The only problem is if you're left-handed or if you're right-handed.
Once you've firmly grasped the weeder in your preferred hand, you're ready to use the tool. Cape Cod weeder makes light aeration work to loosen and dig through crusted soils, and to root out tough weeds beneath the surface of the soil.
Fishtail Weeder
A fishtail weeder is mainly used if you have dandelions in your field. It has a long shaft with a small diameter that helps you move quite a distance deep inside the soil. The upside-down V-shaped pattern will help to remove any roots lodged deep into the ground.
Often known as an asparagus knife, this tool uses a V-shape notch to catch the weeds and carry them to the surface, or at least cut them off at the roots. This works particularly well between pavements and crevices on the sidewalk.
Paving Weeder
One of the most irritating weeds to pull up are those that grow in-between pavements or concrete seams. This weeding tool allows wind to break through the hard-to-reach area between pavers, thus, called as a paving weeder, a patio weeder, or a patio knife. This handy tool is best suited for digging and cutting out roots, weeds and other unwanted objects wedged there like little stones and pebbles. Plus, this saves you from having to use herbicides in the yard.
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