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Hot Summer Tips For Electricians In Houston Texas

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Not everyone welcomes the hot, humid weather of Houston’s summer season.  For hardworking electricians, it is the beginning of a flurry of construction projects. It also signals the start of long hours spent in stifling spaces in rising temperatures.

Do you and your crew want to successfully beat the heat? Then read on and keep your cool this summer. 

Why is it important to keep cool?

Heat illness caused by high temperatures can be fatal. Every summer, workers die from heatstroke. The National Weather Service states that there is an average of 134 heat-related deaths per year. 


Illnesses associated with high temperatures

  • Heatstroke, which occurs in hot and humid conditions. The body is unable to regulate its own temperature, which could lead to a coma.
  • Heat Exhaustion, a result of dehydration. It manifests as headaches, feelings of nausea, and dizzy spells.
  • Sunburn, which occurs after prolonged exposure to UV light. It results in red, painful skin.


Precautions to take

If possible, try to schedule hot jobs earlier in the day. As an example, if you are undertaking electrical work in a basement. The best time to start work is early in the morning. Also, when working inside a building, keep doors and windows open. If there is a fan, make use of it.


The right clothing is necessary

Hot weather calls for thin, loose clothing. Light colors are a good choice as they reflect light. Long sleeves are recommended as they offer protection from the sun. Some electricians invest in cooling vests made of special material that reduces body temperature.


Tips for outdoor work

Protect yourself from sunburn by keeping the sun away from the head. You can do that by wearing a hardhat with a hat brim around it to provide shade. Hardhats with battery-powered cooling systems are also available.

Alternatively, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is available that protects the neck and ears from the sun. A light scarf or bandana around your neck will also do the job.

Sunglasses will protect your eyes. Sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 will help protect your skin. This needs to be reapplied repeatedly during the day. 



Drink water

High temperatures cause sweating. Therefore, drinking water helps replenish lost fluid. To get you off to a good start, drink water before you start work. Continue to top up every 15 minutes. This is important to keep you hydrated. 

At worksites, hydration packs can be used for water storage to keep it away from electrical components. However, icy drinks may cause stomach cramps. Therefore, room temperature water is best.


Schedule regular breaks

It is important to rest up in the shade or cooler areas. You can indulge in small snacks during your breaks, as these will keep you cooler than one large meal. However, experts recommend that you limit the intake of caffeine.


Ensure you have the right insurance in place

While these safety measures to beat the heat will prevent you and your crew from wilting, it is part of your duty as an electrical business owner to protect your employees. Do this by ensuring you have Worker’s Compensation insurance in place.

This insurance provides the backbone of your insurance policies and is there to cover your employees in the event of an injury or fatality. It also pays for medical bills and lost wages while your employee is out of work and will cover the cost of rehabilitation and permanent impairment.

Protect yourself and your business from potential litigation and speak to your insurance agent today if you don’t have Workers Compensation insurance for your employees.


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