How To Beat The Summer Heat at Home
The summer heat seems unbeatable. It’s like you’re always sweating, no matter what you do. Taking three showers a day doesn’t help, and neither does sleeping without covers at night. Not all of us are lucky enough to fight the summer heat from a tropical location, so we have to resort to at-home cooling methods. Spending the summer at home doesn’t have to melt you like a popsicle, though. With these simple methods, you’ll chill in your apartment in both senses of the word.
1. Switch the lights
Traditional light bulbs tend to warm up the place and increase your electric bill. By switching to LED or fluorescent lights, you’ll be saving energy as well as cooling the place down. LED lights don’t emit the warm yellow light that traditional lights do.
The price of a LED light bulb might be more expensive, but it lasts a lot longer and saves you money on the electric bill, so it’s definitely worth it.
2. Maintain your AC unit
Find simple cooling gadgets like - Air conditioning which might be a savior in the summer, but it won’t be able to do its job properly if you don’t maintain it regularly. At the beginning of each season, you should call in a professional who will check the unit for you.
It might cost you some money, but it will be worth it. You’ll know your AC is running the way it’s supposed to and will be able to enjoy the summer in peace. It’s much cheaper than paying to fix or replace the whole unit, anyway.
3. Use ceiling fans
According to some experts, ceiling fans, another cooling gadget don’t really lower temperature that much. Still, the do kick start and maintain air circulation. This can make living at home in the summer a lot simpler. One of the biggest problems is that air seems to stay still most of the time. You can’t open the windows up to air the place out, because the air outside is just as stale. You’ll even end up introducing more heat into the room.
That’s why you should turn on your ceiling fans counterclockwise. Do this especially when there are more people in the room. When you leave the room, you can turn them off because they won’t have much effect. Still, when there are people actively living and breathing in a closed environment, ceiling fans make things much more comfortable.
4. Shade it up - No Natural Light if Hot
The sun is the main culprit when it comes to heat in the apartment, obviously. Even though natural light - which is light from Sun that could be transmitted by the object, is a plus in any home, it’s a huge minus in the hot summer days. The temperature inside is even higher when the rays of the sun are constantly hitting your home. The best way to solve this is to introduce some shade into the room. Without the sun basically paying half the rent, it’s going to be much cooler.
You should invest in a quality shade solution so that you’ll beat the heat for years to come, not just this year. As one of the nations who fight the worst summer heats, Australians would definitely back this claim up. Dealing with extreme heat levels all these years has made them experts in finding the right solution, too. It’s no wonder then, that local experts like Shade Solutions in QLD, so popular and loved. By opting for a trusted company with a good reputation in your area, you’re ensuring that your shades do the job they were made for and significantly lower the temperatures in your home.
5. Limit appliance usage
No matter how much you love them, your appliances tend to warm up your home significantly during the summer. Because of the higher temperatures outside, they too tend to get hotter when they’re running all the time. You probably notice this by the heat of your phone when you use it for a prolonged period of time.
To lower the temperatures inside, you should limit your appliance usage. When you’re not using your laptop, if you know you’re not going to watch TV for a long time, and if you don’t need half the kitchen appliances you used in the morning- turn them off. This means completely off. When they’re not plugged in, they’ll cool off and unclog the hot atmosphere. A bonus is that you’ll be prolonging their lifespan and taking better care of them.
No longer will you have to be envious of those who are lucky enough to fight the heat of the summer in a remote location with the sea or ocean by their side. Staying at home won’t be unbearable and you’ll love spending your summers in the comfiest environment. These simple tips will come a long way in the increasing heat. They won’t let you down regardless of how high the temperature gets.
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