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How To Close a Pocket Knife: 5 Basic Tips to Help You Get It Done

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Before Finding How To Close a Pocket Knife

Closing a pocket knife can be daunting for some people, which is why it can be difficult for some people to use a pocket knife. But, with a little practice, that difficulty is sure to ease. Closing a pocket knife isn’t difficult as long as you keep these tips in mind.
Here’s how to get your pocket knife closed the right way.

how to close a pocket knife

Photo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images https://pixabay.com/users/Clker-Free-Vector-Images-3736/ on Pixabay https://pixabay.com/vectors/knife-swiss-knife-tool-32934/

You’ve got a pocket knife. Maybe you have several. Maybe you’re a knife aficionado and you’ve got a collection. Maybe you’re just getting used to having one for the first time. The important thing is that you have one. Maybe you’ve got a few different types of pocket knives. Maybe you’ve got one of each or perhaps you’ve got several of the same type.

Maybe you’re a carpenter, electrician, plumber, or a chef. Or maybe you’re just getting started with pocket knives. In any case, you’ve probably had the occasional question pop up about how to close a pocket knife. Now, you’re wondering how to close a pocket knife and you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for helpful tips on closing a pocket knife, from the easiest to the most advanced.

What is a pocket knife?

A pocket knife is a type of folding knife. It’s typically between 2-6 inches long, and usually has a blade that can be opened with one hand. They’re typically made of stainless steel, but some knives might use titanium or carbon fiber.

What do pocket knives do?

A pocket knife is a small folding knife that fits in your pocket. They are commonly used to cut, slice, or scrape. You might have one for whatever tasks you need it for and sometimes it’s good to have more than one type of pocket knife on hand.

The 4 Basic Steps to Closing a Pocket Knife With Wrap-up

The first thing you need to do is make sure your blade is closed before you put it away. This isn’t always an easy task, especially if you’ve got a long-bladed knife. If the blade isn’t closed, it can cause a lot of damage. You don’t want that, so make sure it’s closed before putting it away. Check that the blade is closed by pushing the lock into place and then pulling up on the blade with one hand while holding onto the handle with your other hand.

utility knife cutting

If you hear a “click,” then you know that the knife is closed and won’t be opening on its own during transport or in normal use. Next, make sure your pocket knife is clean when you put it away. You really don’t want to have any rust or dirt in there because that can cause quite a bit of damage and also make cleaning difficult. Make sure to run some water over your pocket knife when you’re done using it and give it a good wipe down before putting it away in your pocket or bag for safe keeping.

Step 1: Grind the Sides

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to closing a pocketknife is that you should always ground the sides. This means that you should hold the blade in one hand and run your thumb along the spine of the blade while using your other hand to push down on the blade’s handle near the point. The flat side of the blade will be held between your thumb and index finger, so use those two fingers to grind away at either side of the spine until you no longer feel any ridges. This should take about 5 seconds or less.

Step 2: Grind the Neck and Blade

The neck of a pocket knife is the hard, metal piece that connects the blade to the handle. You want to grind this neck down until it is flush with the handle. This will ensure that your pocket knife is secure and also make it easier to grip.

Step 3: Sharpen the Tip

Make sure to sharpen the knife’s blade before you use it. This is a simple tip which will make your pocket knife work more effectively. You should sharpen the blade when you get the chance to do so, because if you don’t, the knife won’t cut as well and it will dull faster. Make sure that you periodically check on the sharpness of your blades. Sharpening is easy and requires very little time, but if you don’t do it regularly, your blades will dull quickly.

Step 4: Final Touches and Test Drive

Before you put the knife away, make sure you’ve done a final test drive of your knife. This will include closing and opening it as well as touching the blade to make sure it’s sharp enough to use. If you have a locking mechanism, make sure you lock it before putting it away so that nobody can open it up accidentally when you aren’t looking.

After you check to see that your pocket knife is in mint condition for safe transport, close the blade tight and securely zip-tie or snap-tie it to keep it closed so that nobody can open it up by accident. Tightly wrap your pocket knife with a cloth or towel and pack it in a bag or inside another container before storing in a safe place.

What is wrong with my pocket knife?

If you are wondering why your pocket knife is not working like it should, it might be because the mechanism of your pocket knife is broken. There could be a problem with how the blade opens or closes. You might have a blade that doesn’t stay in place, so it moves around while you are using it. Or, maybe the blade just spins and won’t stop. This means that whatever you were trying to do with your knife has become impossible. The video below will show 16 different ways to close a pocket knife in under five seconds. It shows how easy it is to close a pocket knife and how every type of pocket knife can be closed in one simple motion!

How do you close a pocket knife?

To close a pocket knife, you can use the thumb stud or the pivot. With either method, you pinch the blade with your left hand in a “C” shape and hold it out of the way. Then, you grab the handle with your right hand and pull up on it to close it. You should be able to do this by feel. If not, watch some tutorials online or ask someone how to close a pocket knife before trying it yourself. If you want more tips for closing knives quickly, check out this article from The Guardian on 16 tips for closing knives quickly!

The Right Grip for Pocket Knives

When you’re trying to close a pocket knife, the most important thing is making sure that your grip is tight. If your grip is too loose, you may find that you have trouble closing it. Make sure your hold on the knife is firm and secure with both hands. You should also make sure that you are holding the knife properly. In order to accomplish this, take a deep breath in and then forcefully exhale through pursed lips. This will help relax your muscles so that they can hold onto the knife. Another technique for making a tight grip on a pocket knife is to tuck your thumb into the handle of the knife before gripping it tightly with your fingers.
The last technique for making a tight grip is to place one hand on top of it and use two fingers from your other hand as a guide for where to put pressure. Then, use two fingertips from your other hand to press down on the blade’s guard till it meets one of those two fingers from your other hand. It’s also important to make sure that the blade of the pocket knife you are closing does not slip out of position when you close it up. This could lead to potential injuries or accidents if someone isn’t careful enough when closing their pocket knife up and re-sheathing it later.

The Wrong Grip for Pocket Knives

There are a few wrong grips for pocket knives, like holding the knife loosely in your hand or using your thumb or fingers to hold the knife. These grips will prevent you from efficiently closing a pocket knife and end up making it difficult for you to use the tool. Instead of trying to close a pocket knife with these improper grips, try these four different methods that help make it easier to close the blade of your pocket knife.
Pivot: As soon as you finish cutting something, pivot on one foot and let go of the blade with your other hand. -Thumb Stud: Press down on the thumb stud and push outwards on the blade while simultaneously pushing inwards on the handle. This will allow you to slide out of the way of what you’re cutting. -Nail: There’s no right or wrong grip for this method, but think about how far away from the edge of your thumb you want to keep your nail (or other finger). That should be enough information for you to know when pushing up on the nail is appropriate and when it isn’t.

How to Close a Pocket Knife with a Thumb Stud

To close a pocket knife with a thumb stud, place your index finger on the base of the knife and your thumb on one side of the blade.

How to Close a Pocket Knife with a Pivot

The pivot is one of the best methods for closing a pocket knife. It’s easy to close and is a quick way to close a pocket knife. The pivot is also pretty good when it comes time to open the knife again. With this method, you use your thumb and index finger to hold the blade up at an angle in your hand. You should have your fingers pointing down towards the blade with tips touching either side of the handle and your thumb on top. Now, you need to push down on the blade until it clicks into place in the handle. Remember: Just because it looks like a knife doesn’t mean it’s safe to cut things with!

How to Close a Pocket Knife With a Nail

A nail is one of the best ways to close a pocket knife. It’s quick, easy, and can be done by anyone. It takes a little practice and patience, but it will get you there eventually! To use the nail method to close a pocket knife, find a sharp nail that you have in your kitchen. Take your pocket knife out of the sheath and hold it with the blade facing down towards the ground. Next, take your thumb and put it under the nail on top of the handle. Push up on the nail until you hear a click and then push down on the bottom of the handle to close it. This is one way to close a pocket knife with a nail! There are many ways to close a pocket knife. Try experimenting with different methods until you find one that suits you well!

Wrapping Up

Even if you’ve been using them for a while, there may be times when you need to close up your knife. Whether it’s to store it in your pocket or in your bag, closing a pocket knife is important. And while you may not realize it, there are a number of things you need to know before closing it up again. Keep reading to discover five important tips you can use to close your pocket knife more easily.


1. Wrap the blade in your hand One of the most basic ways to close a pocket knife is by wrapping it around your hand. This should be done with the blade pointing out on your left side and your thumb on the opposite side of the blade. The best way to do this is to wrap your hand around the handle of the knife, only using enough force to move it along as you wrap it around.


It’s important to remember that you don’t need to put any pressure on the blade at all. You just want to make sure that it doesn’t slip from where you are wrapping it, even if it means moving it slightly more than one inch before completing the wrap with your thumb. With this method, you can now safely open and close your knife without worrying about cutting yourself or anyone else who might happen across your arm while doing so.


2. Use a second hand Another easy way to close a pocket knife is by pressing down on one of its sides with an extended finger or thumb while doing so manually with your other hand. With this method, you don’t need any special skills and will still have control over whether or not you can successfully close the knife since there is no leverage involved when using this method. All that needs to be done here is putting more pressure on one side of the blade than on another while manually closing a pocket knife, which means that this method should be comfortable for anyone who might be able to Close a Pocket Knife!






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