short grass
When we talk about a garden, your lawn certainly comes to mind, and that's why we are going to talk about Bermuda grass, a kind of grass often used to make a home garden.
We will show you how to plant it and how to take care of it to have a beautiful lawn composing the decoration of your home.
Cynodon dactylon, known as Bermuda grass, is widely used in sports or recreational areas. It is due to its ability to recover quickly, which is due to its hybrid composition. Its application in the soil is easy. However, it requires constant irrigation, a hot climate, and sun at peak.
The planting of Bermuda grass occurs through the application of mats with adult grass. After placement, use a cover with fertile soil. Furthermore, the irrigation of the area starts on the same day as planting. Fertilization also needs to be constant so that the lawn can grow and develop. Its trimming is not very frequent and can be done whenever the sheet exceeds 3 centimeters.
Do you already know how to choose the grass for your home? We have some tips you can check out here: Tips On Choosing Artificial Grass For Your Garden.
Taking care of the Bermuda grass is what makes it grow faster.
If you are going to plant with seeds, the first thing to do is start with the soil, and you have to prepare it in the right way. Start by removing dirt, stones, and branches from the area, making the ground regular to facilitate grass growth. Add fertilizer to nourish the soil better; the fertilizer has to be grass specific to contain the proper nutrients like Nitrogen and Potassium. Grasslawnscare.com lists the best fertilizer to grow your Bermuda grass.
The ideal is to plant 1 to 2 kilos of grass seed for 800 to 100 square meters of land; this ensures good growth. After that, you should cover the bases with half a centimeter of soil, a little more or less, no problem, but try to stay in that range. You should keep irrigation up to twice a day at first, depending on the region’s temperature, as it facilitates growth, but don't overdo it; the land should be moist and not flooded. The grass should start to grow in one to two weeks.
Care of Bermuda Grass
Just like home plant grasses, Bermuda grasses need some special care. Now let's talk about the care you should take after the lawn is already established.
The amount of fertilizer varies with the need of your soil. There are tests that agricultural and livestock companies sell, but for you who do not want to do so much work, we can average the amount needed in general on lawns, which is 10 kg per 100 meters squares of planted lawn.
Irrigation becomes much less constant; twice a week, they usually do the job. Irrigation so as not to harm the soil, i.e., nothing from a strong jet directly onto a single chick, spread the water well.
Getting rid of pests
To get rid of other plants harmful to your lawn, you need to buy a product that doesn't let them grow; there are several on the market, but any one you buy will test on a small part of the lawn will give you the assurance that it won't it is harmful to your property.
When mowing your lawn, it's essential to think about the height you want it to be; a reasonable size is about 1 centimeter, which can vary a little without problems.
This height will leave good ventilation in your lawn, and this will slow down mold growth in your garden. Furthermore, at this height, irrigation is more efficient, allowing for healthier leaves.
Where to plant Bermuda grass
For those looking for grass for the soccer field, predicting frequent games during the week is necessary. Bermuda grass is the ideal grass for you. The recommended climate for growing Bermuda grass in full sun, with soils rich in organic matter. If your soil is deficient in nutrients, it is recommended to do a post-planting revitalization using urea, lime, and fertilizer.
The multiplication/reproduction occurs asymmetrically through its stolons and rhizomes. In addition to resistance to trampling, it is also resistant to high temperatures, surviving equatorial climates of up to 40 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, it doesn't develop very well in shaded places.
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