Whether you’re just moving into a new home and have to create all of the style choices from scratch or are simply looking to update the interior style of your current property, installing shelving is a great way to add additional storage space to your home and also spruce up an otherwise uninspiring wall.
While many homeowners might consider traditional wooden shelving, glass shelves is a versatile and stylish shelving option. In fact, here are the top 5 reasons why you should choose glass shelves to decorate your property.
1. Glass is Clear and Elegant

clear glass
Using glass for the shelves around your property instantly elevates the interior design of your home and adds a touch of timeless style throughout your rooms. Glass shelves are a simple way to add high-class elegance and create a long-lasting impression on guests who visit your home. The transparency of glass is also extremely convenient and makes locating your shelved objects much easier compared to other material types.
2. Glass Creates the Impression of a Wider Space

glass shelves
Similar to a room with lots of windows and ample natural light, adding glass shelves can make a room appear much wider than it is in reality. The transparency of glass doesn’t crowd the space and gives the impression that the room is wide and open. Other types of shelving, such as wood or metal, can detract from the space you already have and make your room seem smaller instead. Add in extra light and open up the appearance of your property by installing glass shelving.
3. Glass is Highly Durable

wine glasses
Despite its fragile appearance, glass is a surprisingly durable option to use for your shelving. While breakage is possible if hit too hard, other damage, such as staining or rusting, rarely occurs. Glass maintains its shape and condition over time and therefore is a great investment to make in your house.
Unlike wood, water won’t warp glass, so it’s a great material to use in areas of your house where water exposure is common. With glass, you can leave water cups or other potentially messy materials on top without having to worry about any damage occurring. Cleanup is simple —just get a rag, some spray, and wipe!
4. Glass Has Easy Maintenance & Cleaning

cleaning glass shelves
Compared to other materials, cleaning glass shelving is remarkably easy. All you need to do is routinely wipe away dust with a microfiber cloth and spray some glass cleaner on if there are any additional stubborn spots of dirt on top of the glass. Maintenance is simple and quick to complete.
5. Glass has Versatile Shapes, Colors, and Designs

glass decoration
If you’re looking for a shelving material that allows for a wide range of shapes, designs, and overall customization, glass is the perfect option for you. It comes in a variety of different styles and can be changed to best suit your own personal space and design style.
Frosted glass is a classic option for glass shelving that provides a slight cloudy effect to the glass, reducing full transparency to a more aesthetic level. Tinted glass is also fairly minimalist in design, but the small splash of color works great as an accent to the interior design of the room as a whole. Plexiglass is also effective to use as a substitute to glass itself and also comes in a wide range of designs. Plexiglass is highly durable and cost-effective, making it a great choice for installation. It can be transparent or designed to come in countless different colors to match any room.
The shape of the shelving itself can be made into almost any shape to suit almost any spot in your property. Rather than just be used for standard shelving, glass and plexiglass shelving can be made into corner shelves, which help effectively utilize available space and offer more storage options for your interior.
BONUS Budget-friendly option:
While glass shelving may look extremely expensive due to the stylish atmosphere it can bring to your house, it is actually affordable for a wide range of different budgets. With glass shelving, you don’t need to let cost keep you from creating a chic home interior. Picking the right glass supplier is an essential step in creating the home of your dreams!
Wrap Up!
Don’t shy away from installing glass shelves in your property —there are a variety of great reasons why choosing glass shelves to add to your home interior is the perfect choice to make, and if you’re looking to buy one then there are a lot of trusted sources that can help you to get the best glass shelves near you like (https://www.glassgenius.com/glass-shelves) for your home.
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