You’ve got your snow pusher for skid steer ready, you have a few jobs lined up and you’re ready to get started. However, your contracts are both residential and commercial. Is there any difference between these types of jobs? How should you approach them to make the most of your snow plowing contracts? Learn how to plow both areas below.
Residential Snowplowing
Typically, residential snowplowing contracts are much smaller and simpler than commercial ones. You usually will need simpler equipment and fewer people to get the job done. In many cases, the profit margins on residential snow plowing are much higher due to the relatively small size of the job. You can also find the snow plowing services on the internet by using search term snow plowing services near me on the search engine.
Most driveways can be easily plowed with a truck. This is typically the best equipment for the job because it can be driven along roads. However, certain driveways can benefit from the immense maneuverability of a skid steer.
One challenge that can arise with residential customers is varied requirements. They may want their property plowed at different times. This can be helpful for spreading out work but can also be a lot to manage.
Fortunately, residential customers are often not picky about methods. They are okay with any equipment being used and just want their driveways cleared. So, if you want to use a tractor snow blower attachment, that will almost never be an issue.
Commercial Snowplowing
Commercial snowplowing can be surprisingly different from residential. Whereas most commercial customers are much more consistent about timing, they are pickier about where snow is stacked and what types of equipment can be used.
Additionally, these jobs are usually larger. Even small commercial customers typically have a parking lot that needs to be cleared. Some large jobs may want to clear very large areas and multiple pathways. So, you will usually earn more per client but may not have as strong margins (they are usually more expensive to clear).
Depending on the requirements of the client, a snow pusher may be enough. Alternatively, you may need to load snow into a truck to remove it. For removal, a 3 point trailer hitch may be helpful. In other words, the equipment requirements may be higher. This can be a lot to juggle.
There is usually a lot more foot traffic on commercial properties compared to residential driveways. So, it is important to make sure ice is fully dealt with. The right plow with a good ice lip is essential. Additionally, salting and sanding the area including any pathways is often a requirement for commercial jobs.
Get the Right Equipment
Both residential and commercial snow plowing can be very lucrative if you have the right equipment and plan of work. Tools such as skid steers with angle plows can help you to be ready for all your customer requirements. The better prepared you are, the more contracts you can take on and satisfy your customers. Get the right equipment today to put your snow removal business on the path to success.
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