Ultimate 8 inevitable Tips on kitchen Remodel

luxury kitchen
As a family spends a lot of time in the kitchen cooking meals and enjoying it together, it needs to be colorful to brighten up the environment, as well as the mood of the family members and guests.
As you spend a lot of your time in making memories in your kitchen by cooking food and sharing it with your loved ones over hearty talks and celebrations, make sure that your kitchen stays a happy place. Let us share some interesting ideas to make your kitchen colorful, especially if you are finding it tough to come out of grey zones.
1. Contrasts keep it classy:

Marble Kitchen
Worktops and splashbacks play a significant role in determining the appearance of your kitchen. Instead of keeping them in the same colored stone, try giving a contrast. For instance, you can go for white worktops and colored splashbacks in the colors of your choice or you can consider black marble worktops and red granite splashbacks that also look classy and elegant as combos.
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2. Choose prints for splashbacks:
If you have explored the range of advanced splashbacks, you would have come across painted splashbacks or those that are not in plain colors and feature a print. Select the print designs in colors that match the colors of your kitchen walls or the larger wall where you want to partially install the splashback. While the wall at the back may be in a plain color, you can choose a complementing print.

home improvement
3. Explore new types of stones:

Kitchen Accessories
If you are fed up with your white marble kitchen, you do not need to stick to the same stone when you redesign your space. There are many such stones that display attractive colors. As an example, you can try an onyx wall cladding that is away from the grey-white shades. This semi-precious stone is quite popular for interior design, as it displays a natural mix of bright colored hues. A few colour types of this stone are multicolour onyx, honey onyx, cappuccino onyx, rainbow onyx, green onyx and golden onyx.

kitchen essentials
4. Cabinet Painting:
If your kitchen has white walls or light-coloured worktops, you may add bright colors to cabinets or vice versa. Painting the cabinets or walls is a quick fix when you want more colors in your kitchen.

minimalist home
5. Stick it on:
Are you allergic to paints? Then, you have another easy option to invite colours to your kitchen. Select interesting wall decals according to the colour scheme and design of your kitchen and simply stick them to witness some popped-out eyes.
6. Add colorful furniture:
Sometimes, you cannot redesign your kitchen from scratch, as you have no time for mess. In that case, a great way to bring in colors is by introducing colourful furniture to occupy your bland space. So, why not shift those yellow bar stools or those red dining chairs to your kitchen?

Plastic furniture
7. Light it up:
Thanks to modern LED lights that you can easily make any space colourful in minutes. When it is about adding a dash of colours in the faded areas of your kitchen, pick up the right style of bulbs to fit in.
8. Accessorize:
Add beautiful kitchen accessories and colorful appliances or simply display your colored plates and bowls on open shelves to make it a happy kitchen.
So, are you ready for your kitchen’s makeover? Whether you are designing or redesigning your kitchen, we know that you never want this space to be boring and monotonous. If you are a builder or interior designer, it is obvious that you would not want to provide a boring kitchen design to your client. In any case, the kitchen needs some colours to look and feel vibrant and active. A place energized by colours passes on the same energy to the occupants of that space.
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