Impact doors are an excellent option for homeowners in Florida who want to add strength and security. They are made with impact glass that is specially fabricated to resist shattering when it comes into contact with objects.
A unique film is often laminated between the glass and doorframe to reinforce its strength. To help identify high-quality impact glass, look for minor etched marks on the glass.
Check the Hinges
Hinges are vital to any door, so checking them for longevity and ensuring they work well is essential. Hinges sized appropriately for the weight, size, and frequency of use will last a long time without needing maintenance.
A hinge’s material can also impact its strength and longevity. Stainless steel is an excellent choice for exterior doors, as it won’t rust easily in wetter environments.
Another option is brass hinges, which add a touch of elegance to any room. However, they have a different strength than steel or stainless steel hinges so they could be better for heavy-duty applications.
In addition to providing a robust and durable finish for your door, hinges also play an essential role in keeping your home quiet and comfortable. They reduce noise pollution, filter harmful UV rays and prevent drafts from entering your home. These features can save you money on monthly utility bills, reduce your insurance premiums and increase the value of your property.
Clean the Glass
To keep your impact doors looking great, cleaning them regularly is essential. Not only does it help maintain their beauty, but it can also extend the lifespan of your impact windows.
Clean your glass with a non-abrasive cleaner and a squeegee. It would be best to have some quality microfiber towels on hand, as these are the best tools for removing any remaining water.
The best time to clean your impact windows is early morning or late afternoon because the sun doesn’t shine directly onto the windows. This helps prevent streaks from developing.
Check the Seals
Window seals are designed to help protect your home against the elements and ensure comfortable temperatures inside. However, over time, these seals can start to break down.
Broken windows let the outside in, affecting your comfort levels and raising energy bills. A broken window seal can also let in excess moisture, leading to mold and mildew.
Impact doors offer a tighter seal than traditional doors, which helps keep your home more insulated. This insulation will save money on energy bills and make your HVAC system run less frequently.
In addition, impact doors are engineered to withstand strong storm winds and flying debris. This is important for Florida residents, who often experience hurricane-level winds.
They also filter out UV rays, protecting you and your family from harmful sun damage. Moreover, the thicker glass in these doors significantly reduces noise pollution, ensuring you can enjoy quiet in your home, no matter what’s happening.
Check the Hardware
While impact doors are not entirely immune from damage, the proper hardware can significantly affect their longevity. Check out that your door hinges, pulleys, and latches should be on your to-do list if you want to keep your doors looking new for years to come.
For example, if your hinges aren’t turning smoothly and you can’t close your doors without a struggle, they may need a little lubrication to make them move smoothly again. Also, check the door knobs for any signs of wear and tear.
Impact glass is a particular type of laminated glass designed to hold together and protect your home when it gets hit by hurricane-level winds. This technology is only as good as the quality of the glass it’s attached to. You can enjoy its benefits only when your glass is paired with the right door system. The best way to choose the door and hardware perfect for your home is to speak with a professional about your needs and budget.
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