upperfixer Home tools reviews

7 Practical Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Heater

When winter comes, keeping your house heated is surely one of the top priorities. However, heating is expensive, and depending on where you live, it may be prohibitively so. In fact, the Energy Information Administration estimates a considerable rise in heating costs this winter, from oil and gas to electricity.  For many people, they can’t … Read more

7 Tips To Tackle Large-Scale Home Renovation Projects

Home renovation is an exciting yet daunting undertaking. On the one hand, you’re thinking about improving the aesthetics of each room and making your home more comfortable and appealing. On the other, you are planning to add modern amenities or reconfigure the layout to suit your family’s needs better. All the possibilities are thrilling, and … Read more

Tips For Industrial Maintenance

The role of industry is crucial for a better economy and employment opportunities in a country. A country’s economy stands on two major pillars, i.e., manufacturing industry and services. Hence, calling it the backbone of the country’s economy won’t be an exaggeration. Mass-scale production of cars, airplanes, household electronics, and fast-moving consumer goods has been … Read more

Maintaining Your HVAC Equipment

HVAC Maintenance

Maintaining your HVAC equipment is key to a healthy home. Often, we don’t think about the importance of our HVAC systems until they break down on us. We rely on them to keep us comfortable in our homes, but we don’t always give them the care and attention they need. regular maintenance can help prevent … Read more

How You Can Fix Common Snow Blower Problems

snow blower

In a perfect world, our snow blowers would never break down and we could focus our time and energy on getting the job done instead of figuring out what’s gone wrong with our trusty machines. The reality is even the most well-looked-after snow blowers are going to require some maintenance occasionally, and as an owner … Read more