upperfixer Home tools reviews

Old Building Dangers: Eight Repair Tasks To Get Done ASAP

old building gate

old building gate Old buildings carry an old-world charm that lends magnificence to their architecture. Old properties and houses appeal to culturally-inclined buyers who seek to restore and upgrade them. Such structures hold immense cultural significance as they are a vital part of the local heritage. They command prestige with their architectural beauty and style. However, … Read more

3 Easy Ways To Make Your Garden Safer

garden shed

garden shedIf you’re lucky enough to have a garden adjoining your property, you probably make use of it in a variety of different ways. From growing edible veg and stunning flowers to playing with the kids and hosting summer BBQs, there are endless ways to make your garden an integral part of your home. However, it’s … Read more

5 Tips For Buying A First House

My House Built and How to Determine It

My House Built and How to Determine ItAnything first is always special. Be it buying a car, a diamond ring, or purchasing the first home. Investing in your first home will be your biggest milestone in life, along with the finances as well. It is a big commitment, too, along with being the largest purchase … Read more

Upcycling & Building Your Own Furniture

Furniture Pieces

Furniture Pieces Many people have turned to DIY and home improvements during the pandemic and this can certainly be a good use of time as it can be a rewarding hobby as well as help you to improve your living space. Upcycling and building your own furniture is something that can be great fun, relatively … Read more

How To Fix A Front Door Knob Or Handle? My Experience With 30 Years Old Doors


locked-doorEver dealt with a loose doorknob which is enslaved to the whims of the wind and slams your door shut at the minimal breeze? Well, I have lived in this 70-year-old countryside house with 30-year-old poorly maintained doors, windows, knobs, and handles for two years already and I have enough.disappointedBut because it’s still holiday time, I … Read more

Choosing The Best Material For Kitchen Cabinets

kitchen cabinets

kitchen cabinets If you want to know how to choose the best material for kitchen cabinets, you need to understand what plywood, particle board, and wood are. In addition, you will also need to understand that some of these materials are stronger than others. This article will focus on plywood, particle board, and wood in … Read more

What Is Invisalign And Who Needs It?

Invisalign Dentist 1

Invisalign Dentist 1Gone are the days when people wore traditional metal braces. These days, a better option is available. It is called Invisalign. If you want to achieve that perfect smile, it might be just what you need. More and more people are opting for Invisalign than ever before. It is a safe alternative to … Read more

A Perfect AC Repair And Maintenance Solution

Air Conditioner

Air ConditionerAn air conditioner is a crucial piece of our daily usage, either it’s home or office. To sustain the air conditioner, regular effective and efficient maintenance is required throughout its service year. If you talk about Weston, Florida’s climate, the maximum temperature goes from 22°C to 35°C in summers. To cater to that intense heat … Read more