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Steps To Take In The Event Of A Personal Injury

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Experiencing a personal injury is a jarring and often traumatic event. Whether it’s a car accident, a fall on someone else’s property, or an injury at work, the aftermath can be a confusing whirlpool of emotions, decisions, and actions.  When you’re hurt, you’re not just grappling with physical pain; you’re also trying to navigate a … Read more

Cheap Super Foods With Omega 3 Fatty Acids Benefits

foods with omega 3

What is Omega-3:

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. The three main omega-3 Fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Alpha-linolenic acids (ALA) are found in plants. Omega-3 and omega-6 compete for the same receptors in the body so a ratio of (1:1) is beneficial. These FA have many health benefits, they are structural components of the cell membrane and provide energy sources. Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids results in improvement in cardiovascular health, immune system, and exercise performance.

Science behind omega-3:

DHA and EPA are building blocks of the immune system and act as a precursor of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandin and leukotriene. Leukotrienes are involved in the activation of leukocytes, white blood cells that fight with any foreign body and pathological condition. Prostaglandin regulates the immune system and omega-3 fatty acids act as anti-inflammatory agents and decrease the production of cytokines and reactive oxygen species. They help in blood clotting, build up the cell membrane and affect receptors of the cell membrane for the better flow of nutrients and wastes. The long and flexible structure of the cell membrane prevents the entry of wastes inside the cell.

Omega-3 fatty acids help sexually too by increasing the level of dopamine in the brain that trigger sexual arousal. These are precursors of sex hormones in men and women both. Omega-3 has many health benefits and lower the risk of depression, dementia, heart problems, and arthritis. It decreases LDL and cholesterol and converts it into good body fat (HDL). It decreases blood pressure also.

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After vigorous research and uses, reading many reviews and researching scientific papers, our team came up with 2 food supplements which have rich potent amount of essential omega 3 fatty acids with vitamin D, Krill Oil. Read our bible on these topic below and get illuminated before making any purchases!

Our Recommendations: Krill Oil or Cardio/Omega 

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Our Health Bible Starts! Please read.

What are Fatty acids: 

Fatty acids are one of the essential components of the body and have many important functions for maintaining life. Fatty acids are involved in oxygen transport, brain functioning, developing strong tissues and organs, improving the immune system, providing energy, lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart diseases, and in composition of hormones and lipids. These are the healing agents and provide building blocks to our body to make prostaglandin that play a role in decreasing or increasing inflammation.

Fatty acids are of two types saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid and stearic acid contain a single bond between carbon atoms and are healthy at a certain range because if there is an increased amount of saturated fatty acids then it can increase the level of low-density lipids (LDP). The acceptable range of LDL is 100 to 129mg/dl. Higher level of LDL increase cholesterol level which in turn increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.

Know about Omega-3-6-9:

Unsaturated fatty acids are of two types monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids contain one double bond between carbon atoms and include Oleic acid (Omega-9). Omega-9 are non-essential fatty acids and can be produced inside the body. Omega-9 has several benefits for health.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include Omega-6 (linoleic acid) and Omega-3 Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and its derivatives Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Omega-6 can be converted into longer omega-6 fat arachidonic acid (ARA) which produces pro-inflammatory eicosanoid. The recommended omega-3 and omega-6 ratio in the diet is 1:4. Omega-6 is used as a rich source of energy for the body. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential fatty acids (EFA) and are provided from outside of the body through our diet as our body cannot make these EFA. These are called polyunsaturated due to the presence of two or more double bonds between carbon atoms within a fatty acid chain.

Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce blood pressure and manage and prevent heart diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids are good fatty acids and help to reduce blood cholesterol levels. It convert LDL to HDL which are good fats. Saturated fatty acids produce prostaglandin that is inflammatory and polyunsaturated fats like Omega-3 produce prostaglandin that decrease inflammation. We should have a balance of these fatty acids. Because both processes are important for the body.

Omega-3 fatty acids benefits:

Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly beneficial for heart, brain health, and many other body functions. Why our body needs omega-3 fatty acids, here we will look at the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids that are scientifically approved.

  1. Fight autoimmune diseases: 

In autoimmune disease, our immune system recognizes its body cells as foreign bodies and start attacking them and destroy own body cells. The best example of autoimmune disease is multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes immune cells destroy insulin-producing healthy cells of the pancreas and thus unable to produce insulin resulting in an abnormal rise in blood glucose level.

Taking enough Omega-3s in early life can help reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases and used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and lupus.

  1. Brain health and Alzheimer’s disease:

Omega-3 is proved to be beneficial in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease and mental illness due to aging. With increased age brain function tends to decline but having omega-3 supplements can improve brain health.

  1. Decrease inflammation: 

Inflammation is a natural response of the body against infection or some injury. It has benefits for our body but sometimes inflammation gets chronic and persists even without infection or injury.

Omega-3s proved to be beneficial in fighting against inflammation by decreasing the level of inflammatory substances like eicosanoids and leukotriene. Chronic or long term inflammation causes heart problems and can cause even cancer.

Omega-3 supplements reduce the risk of cardiovascular illness, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer as a higher intake of omega-3 fish oil reduces inflammation.

  1. Reduce heart problems:

National center for complementary and integrative Health (NCCIH) has found that omega-3 fatty acids lower the level of triglycerides. Triglycerides are fats that are harmful to health when they are above the normal range and cause heart problems. Medicines containing omega-3 lower triglyceride levels and reduce the risk of heart attack. It is found out that fish-eating communities have lower incidence of getting cardiovascular disease because fish contain Omega-3s. Medicines with omega-3 and other ingredients need approval by U.S food and drug administration (FDA) for treating higher levels of triglycerides but the same does not apply to omega-3 supplements.

Omega-3 reduce cardiovascular problems by following ways

  • Reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension
  • Increase the level of good fats “HDL”
  • Reduces triglycerides level
  • Prevent the formation of harmful blood clots
  • Keep arteries smooth and prevent plaque formation that can harden your arteries
  • Reduce inflammation

A 2018 study showed that African Americans taking omega-3 supplements have shown to have a 77% reduction in heart attack and stroke.

  1. Combat obesity:

Omega-3 supplements help in losing weight and prevent putting weight back on. These decrease the level of cholesterol and triglycerides.

  1. Reduce liver fat:

No- alcoholic fatty liver disease is treated by taking omega-3s as these can reduce fat and inflammation in your liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is more common than alcoholic liver disease. Obesity can increase the occurrence of NAFLD.

  1. Strengthen bone and joints:

Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are the disorders of the skeleton. Omega-3 fatty acids increase bone strength by increasing the uptake of calcium in the bones. It increase grip strength and reduce bone pain. It has proved to be beneficial in arthritis also.

  1. Alleviate menstrual pain:

During menstruation, pain arises in the lower abdomen and lower back and even to thighs and pelvic region. Omega-3 fatty acids proved to be more beneficial than Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen. Women who take omega-3s have mild menstrual pain.

  1. Reduce Depression and Anxiety:

Anxiety and depression are common disorders and people taking omega-3 fatty acids have shown to have reduced depression. It fights against nervousness and constant worry. Among the 3 omega-3 fatty acids ALA, DHA, and EPA, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is found to more effective in fighting against depression.

  1. Omega-3 and eye health:

DHA one of the forms of omega-3 fatty acids slows the degradation of the retina, including macular degradation which is the most common cause of blindness in aged people. A study published in investigation ophthalmology and visual science found out that DHA provide visual protection and prevent age-related vision loss in older people.

  1. Brain health:

Omega-3 fish oil which is rich in DHA and EPA improves brain health in pregnancy and during early life. Omega-3 fish oil is critical for normal brain function and development during all stages of life but it seems to have more in developing baby's brain. DHA is found to form 30% of brain cells. Women who take more fish oil supplements or eat fish during pregnancy are found to have babies with higher scores on the test of intelligence and brain function. Lower DHA levels reduce brain size, a sign of accelerated aging and cause loss of memory and deficit in learning.

  1. Treat ADHD in children:

Attention deficient hyperactivity disorder is found in children which is characterized by hyperactivity, aggression, inattention, and impulsivity. This behavioral disorder can be treated by omega-3 fish oil which is rich in DHA and EPA and improve task completion and inattention. It takes 4 weeks to have noticeable improvement in ADHD. Omega-3 fish oil have benefit in children only with ADHD and nutritionally support focus and attention.

  1. Metabolic syndrome:

A diet rich in omega-3 and monounsaturated fats like omega-6 is beneficial for people with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that increase the risk of diabetes and heart problems like blood pressure, cholesterol level, insulin resistance, low good “HDL” cholesterol, and abdominal fat. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the symptoms of metabolic disorders by decreasing inflammation, insulin resistance, and heart problems.

  1. Mental disorders:

Mental disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are best treated with omega-3 fatty acids causing a reduction in the frequency of mood swings, violent behavior, and relapses in people. DHA is the structural component of neuronal cell membranes.

  1. Prevent Cancer:

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells and is the leading cause of death in the western world. Omega-3 is found to prevent the occurrence of cancer and its spread to other parts of the body. It decreases the risk of breast, colon and prostate type of cancer and prevent metastasis. People consuming omega-3s have a 55% lesser risk of getting colon cancer.

  1. Reduce Asthma attacks:

Omega-3s reduce the risk of asthma in children and young adults. Asthma is characterized by wheezing, cough, chest pain and shortness of breath. Asthma attacks can be very dangerous and thus are treated with omega-3 which reduces inflammation and swelling in your airways of lungs.

  1. Improve Sleep:

Sleep disorders in children and obstructive sleep apnea in young adults is due to a lower level of omega-3 fatty acids and can be improved with omega-3 fish oil supplements. Lower level of DHA is associated with lower level of melatonin, depression, obesity, and diabetes. Supplementing with omega-3 can result in lengthy and quality sleep.

  1. Beneficial for skin:

Omega-3 protects your skin from sun damage and make it soft, supple and wrinkle-free skin.

EPA in omega-3 prevents the release of substances from your skin at collagen that get damaged under the sun. DHA is responsible for the health of cell membranes of your skin. EPA provides following benefits to your skin

  • Reduce premature aging of skin
  • Balance hydration and oil synthesis in skin
  • Reduce acne
  • Prevent hyperkeratinization characterized by red bumps on skin of upper arms

Omega-3 fatty acids have many benefits for your optimal health and must be taken from your diet as these are essential FA and your body cannot make it on its own. One should take fatty fish two times a week or obtain it from other whole-food but if you are unable to take it from food then you may have to consider taking it from omega-3 supplements as it is a cheap and effective way to improve health.

How and where to get Omega-3 from:

Poly-unsaturated fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids which means that our body cannot make these fatty on its own and we need to take it from outside through our diet. There are many foods and oils rich in omega-3. Fish oil is rich in omega-3.

Is Omega-3 Fish Oil?

The natural source of omega-3 is fish oil and fish oil is rich in DHA and EPA. Fish oil is omega-3 as the two key components of omega-3 DHA and EPA are rich in fish oil.

Omega-3 fish oil:

Fish oil is obtained from tissues of oily fish. The amount of omega-3 in fish oil ranges from 18 to 31% but the range varies from specie to species of fish. Fish oil is rich in DHA and EPA, and it also contains vitamin A & D. Most common sources of natural fish oil are cod liver oil, menhaden, herring, sardines, and salmon.

Fish oil can be processed to remove containments such as PCB and mercury. Processed fish oil contains up to 50 to 90% of pure DHA OR EPA and can be available as fish oil capsules. We can call omega-3 as fish oil because fish oil is rich in omega-3.

Foods with Omega-3:

Where are omega-3 found? How to get Omega-3? What are the foods with Omega-3? You must be thinking about these questions. Don’t worry! I will tell you foods rich in Omega-3. Have a look at the following foods rich in omega-3.

Omega-3 high food:

Omega- 3 can be obtained from fatty fish and plant-based foods. Fatty fish is rich in DHA and EPA while the natural source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is plants and must be taken from omega-3 rich vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Fish sources rich in omega-3:

  • Mackerel:

These are small fatty fish that people commonly smoke and eat during breakfast. These are rich in vitamin B12, selenium and contain 0.59g of DHA and 0.43g of EPA. In western countries, these are mostly eaten because they are delicious and quick to prepare.

  • Salmon:

They are one of the most rich in nutrients fish and contain DHA, EPA, magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamin B & D. The amount of omega-3 is different in farmed and wild salmon. Farmed salmon fish contain 1.24g of DHA and 0.59g of EPA.

  • Sardines:

These are oily fish and rich in nutrients. It is used as a starter, appetizer, snake or delicacy. It can be available as in cans. One serving of sardines contains 0.45g of EPA and 0.74g of DHA.

  • Shrimp:

It is used both as a component of a meal or as an appetizer. It is rich in nutrients and low in calories. One serving of shrimp contains 0.12g of each of DHA and EPA. It contains anti-oxidants, selenium, vitamin B12, protein, zinc, and calcium, etc.

  • Trout:

It is a freshwater fish and rich in nutrients. One serving of rainbow trout contains 0.44g of DHA and 0.44g of EPA.  It is a rich source of potassium, protein, and vitamin D in addition to omega-3.

  • Oysters:

Unlike other seafoods, these provide all the three classes of omega-3. It is a favorite of most people and is being served in restaurants as an appetizer or snake. It contains 0.14g of ALA, 0.23g of DHA and 0.30g of EPA. It is rich in other nutrients as well like zinc and vitamin B-12.

  • Seabass:

It is rich in protein and contains 0.47g of DHA and 0.18g of EPA.

American heart association suggests serving of fatty fish for heart patients as it is beneficial for these patients and lower blood pressure too.

Vegetarian sources of omega-3:

  • Walnut:

Nuts are used on its own, in salad, yogurt, milk, snake bar and is enjoyed by many people. It is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and many other nutrients, iron, copper, manganese, vitamin E, fibers and antioxidants. Don't remove the skin when used as it contains phenol antioxidants.

  • Soybeans:

Soybeans are rich sources of omega-3, fiber and vegetable proteins. It is used as a side dish and a half cup contains 670mg of omega-3. It also contains riboflavin, Folate, vitamin K, magnesium and potassium.

  • Chia seeds:

These contain omega-3 and magnesium, potassium, selenium, manganese. 28 grams of chia seed contain 5060 mg of omega-3. It contains protein and essential amino acids as well.

  • Flax seeds:

So far flax seeds are the richest source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Therefore, it is mostly used and have a good ratio of omega-3 and omega-6. It also contains magnesium, fibers, and other nutrients. 2,350mg of omega-3 is found in a tablespoon of whole flax seeds.

  • Edamame beans:

It is an immature form of soybeans and 0.28g of ALA can be found in edamame beans. They are rich in plant-based protein and omega-3.

  • Hemp seeds:

2.605g of omega-3 (ALA) is found in every 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds. These are slightly sweet and contain potassium, magnesium, protein, iron, and zinc. Hemp seeds are proved to be beneficial for digestion, heart problems, and skin.

  • Algae:

Chlorella, nori, spirulina, and seaweed are different forms of algae that people eat as a source of omega-3 who are at a vegetarian diet. Seaweed has antidiabetic, antihypertensive, and antioxidant properties. These are rich in protein too. People use these forms of algae in food to wrap around sushi, as a crispy snake or add in oatmeal or smoothie. Chlorella, seaweed, spirulina contain different amounts of DHA and EPA.

  • Canola oil:

Canola oil is the healthiest and low saturated fat oil that is rich in omega-3 and is used in food because it can withstand high temperatures. It is cheaper than olive oil and can be easily available.

There are many other foods rich in omega-3 such as Vegetable oil, corn, sunflower, olive, and soy. And many omega-3 supplements are also available. You can take 1g of omega-3 supplement daily to meet the recommended omega-3 level. But we have to adopt a healthy lifestyle too. Drink water, tea, and non-fatty dairy products.

Limit saturated fats and glycemic food that contain sugar as increased sugar cause more insulin release from the pancreas and high insulin levels cause weight gain, atherosclerosis and heart diseases. Avoid trans-fats, backed food and processed meat, eat lean proteins and exercise daily.

Our Recommendations: Krill Oil or Cardio/Omega 

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My name is Sidra and I am a registered pharmacist (RPh) based in Pakistan. I received my Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (Pharm. D) from Punjab University College of Pharmacy. I have a keen interest in medical issues and medicine. I am passionate to give awareness to people and motivate them to lead a healthy life.


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Erectile- Dysfunction Treatment | Male Enhancement Pills


What Is Premature Ejaculation? Tips To Increase Sex Drive For Male.


When premature ejaculation happens so frequently that it interferes with the sexual pleasure of a man or his partner, it becomes a medical problem.

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm and ejaculates too quickly and without control. In other words, ejaculation occurs before a man wants it to happen.

It may occur before or after beginning foreplay or intercourse. Some men experience a lot of personal distress because of this condition.

As many as one in five men experience difficulty with uncontrolled or early ejaculation at some point in life.

       What Causes Erection Problems?

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Several factors may contribute to premature ejaculation. Psychological problems such as stress, depression and other factors that affect mental and emotional health can aggravate this condition. However, there is growing evidence that biological factors can make some men more prone to experience premature ejaculation. Looking up for different treatment options for ed would be a great help in the long run though

Rarely, premature ejaculation can be caused by a specific physical problem, such as inflammation of the prostate gland or a spinal cord problem.

1. Physical

Erection problems can be caused by a number of physical influences including vascular diseases. One common vascular disease Atherosclerosis causes fatty molecules to build up and narrow your arteries. High blood pressure is another common cause of erection problems as it damages the arteries, making them thick and allowing less blood flow to the penis.

2. Psychological

Understanding what causes erection problems is vital before considering the use of any sexual enhancement and performance support supplement. It is a common misconception that having erection problems is a result of your penis alone. Psychological influences can play a major part in this too. Factors such as stress, depression, trauma, anxiety, guilt, lack of sleep, and even low self-esteem have been proven in some cases to have an effect on a man's ability to obtain and maintain a strong and healthy erection.

3. Environmental and Lifestyle

It is important to know that having problems with erections are caused by many factors including physical, psychological, and environmental influences. Environmental and lifestyle choices have the potential to play a major part in the cause of poor sexual performance and erection problems. A lack of exercise, high cholesterol, and high trans fat foods, cigarette smoking, and consumption of alcohol can all play a role in reducing blood flow to the penis consequently causing a problem when trying to get an erection.


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Many stereotypes portray men as sex-obsessed machinesSex drive-is a desire to have sex. Sex drive is usually described as libido. There is no measurement for libido in numbers. Instead, the sex drive is understood in the pertinent denomination. For example, a low libido means a lessen interest or desire in sex. The male libido arises in two places of the brain: the cerebral cortex and the limbic system.

These portions of the brain are essential to a man’s sex drive and performance. They are so important that a man can have an orgasm only by thinking or dreaming about a sexual experience. The cerebral cortex is a grey matter that mainly makes the outer covering of the brain. This segment of the brain is responsible for different functions, like planning and dreaming. It also includes thinking about sex.

When you become aroused, signals originate in the cerebral cortex interact with the other brain parts and nerves. These nerves then speed up your heart rate and increase blood flow to your genitals. This process causes the erection. Testosterone is the hormone related to the male sex drive. It is produced mainly in the testicles.

Testosterone has a vital role in many body functions
•Growth of body hair
•Sperm production
•Red Blood Cells production
•Muscle development
•Coarseness of voice

Testosterone level is higher in the morning and lowers in the night -the declines in the level of testosterone results in the loss of libido. Sex drive can decrease with age. The loss of libido is tied to an underlying condition. The following symptoms cause a decrease in sex drive:
High blood pressure is one of the primary reasons that can hurt men’s ability to maintain an erection. Like blood pressure, diabetes also affects the male’s erection.

Sleep apnea can decrease the level of testosterone, which further reduces your sex drive. Sometimes medications can impact your libido. Some antidepressants, antihistamines can lower your sex drive. Your doctor may suggest you alternative to these medicines.
Sex is an integral part of life. Thinking about sex starts very early in men, often before puberty, and last until their last days on earth.

On the initial level, sex is just another hormone-driven function of the body designed to extend the generation. On another, it's a delightful activity. It's also an activity that can help to make strong bonds between two people. Male Sexual health is the state of well-being that lets a man fully take part in and relish sexual activity. A variety of physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social elements influence a man's sexual health.

Optimal male sexual health consists of sexual desire (libido) and the ability to get and encourage an erection (erectile function). Although physiology can impact both the passion for sex and the capability to have sex, mental health, and emotional factors also play vital roles. Male sexual health isn't entirely the absence of any disease.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the disease in which man can’t be able to get an erection or to perpetuate it long enough for convincing sexual activity. Many factors cause ED, including stress, depression, relationship issues, abnormally low testosterone, damage from urological surgery, and even cholesterol-clogged arteries.  

It is often an initial warning sign for heart disease and blood pressure. ED can be cured with pills, injections into the penis, or other devices.  Men can also experience difficulties related to ejaculation, including premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or the inability to experience orgasm upon ejaculation (anorgasmia). In short, many diseases affect your sex drive.



Often men don’t like to talk about low libido; neither do their partners. But the loss of libido in men or inhibited sexual desire stresses a marriage more than any other sexual dysfunction. Losing interest in sex is more common in women than in men. But when men lose interest in intercourse, it is more scaring than women because their masculinity is so related to their sexuality that it is very intimidating.

Loss of libido makes men unhappy throughout their life. Only 23% of men with no libido or sexual desire say they still feel pleased about life. The loss of libido doesn’t occur suddenly. It’s not something like having a cold where you wake up one morning. It’s a progressive process. Though it is difficult to define precisely, Laumann measures it as follows: "It is a lack of curiosity in sex for several months or past year."

Amount of sexual activity is not the accurate measure of sexual interest or desire - so many states of affairs can get in the way of an encounter, even if the hope is there. But if you are in a pledged relationship and having intercourse less than the norm -- about once a week - you might question yourself whether you are jovial with things as they are. If you're not satisfied with your loss of libido, researchers agree that it is best to scuffle with these problems before they become lodged.

To help identify the early caution signs, let’s check whether you reply to the following given questions.
Answer true or false:
•Touching takes place only in the bedroom.
•Sex does not give you affection for interconnection and sharing.
•One of you is the initiator, and the other feels pressured.
•You no longer look forward to sex.
•Sex is mechanical and practical.
•You rarely have sexual thoughts or fantasies.
•You have intercourse once or twice a month.

Understanding the various causes of disease is the first step to finding the appropriate resolution.


The leading cause of this complex problem range from physical and medical to psychological and social. Quick fixes don't solve everything.

Erectile dysfunction:

Erectile dysfunction is not the same as loss of libido, but when you get one of these, sooner or later, you get the other as well. It is reported that only 7% of young men being unable to keep an erection. Depending on the cause of erectile dysfunction, certain drugs such as Vasodilators, such as Viagra, and Cialis, enhance blood flow to the penis (reproductive organ).  It also aids in understanding that it's normal for erections to come and go during lovemaking -- "It can occur two to five times in a 45-minute sexual or intercourse session.


Two major problems are reported in men, anxiety about performance in sexual activity, and reaching the climax too early. Almost one man from every three men reports having premature ejaculation, while under one in five are worried about performance. And the anxiety doesn't exist only at that point. Many modern and loving husbands feel they have not  "performed" unless their partners climax during sex, too. According to research, only 26% of women report that they experience orgasm during intercourse, compared with 75% of men. No wonder men feel the pressure; performing sex under stress can cause loss of libido.


Self-esteem and job stress is the primary cause of loss of libido in men. If a man performs challenging work, and he doesn't feel he is achieving or doesn't feel self-worth, he often numbs himself sexually. Desire is an excellent form of dispensation -- when you don't feel deserving, you shut down."

Medical Condition:

A diversity of medical problems and chronic conditions can decrease a man's sex drive. Many serious illnesses, such as cancer and depression, can moisten any thoughts and desires of sex. The diseases like cardiovascular diseasehypertension, and diabetes can minimize the flow of blood to the body, including the penis, inflicting havoc on libido as well. Acute and chronic alcoholism and even occasional excessive alcohol consumption are infamous for inflaming desire but hindering performance. Conditions such as thyroid disorders and malignancy of the pituitary gland (which controls most hormone production, including sex hormones) can also lower libido.

However, focusing on sexual performance can lead the way to anxiety. The following active lifestyle helps you to ger better sex drive. These changes in lifestyle can make sex more pleasurable and satisfying for everyone involved in it.

Tips To Last Longer In Bed

Focus on foreplay:

Some males trust that penetration is the most essential, even the describing part of sex. However, many men who experience erectile dysfunction may be encouraged to learn that they do not need an erection to please their partners. Erectile dysfunction can even be a stimulant to try new strategies that work better for their partner. Foreplay consists of touching, mild kissing, and oral sex. Doing foreplay can enhance the sexual experience for everyone involved.

Strive for the Start-Stop Technique:

Men who want to longer sex drive during intercourse can attempt the start-stop procedure. To use this procedure, cease sexual activity every time ejaculation feels approach. Take a deep breath and start again slowly, then stop again to delay ejaculation for as long as desirable. This procedure can teach the body to hang back ejaculation and aid a man to feel snugger with not ejaculating, even during extreme sexual activity.


Many of you are looking for better sexual activity in bed all night. Many of you are looking for different ways and tips to increase your sex drive. There are a sufficient amount of male enhancement pills or tablets on the market, but there are many other simple ways to stay inflexible and last longer without having to visit the pharmacy.
You should, first of all, know that your penis works on the pressure of blood, and make sure your circulatory system is working very well. In short, the things which are suitable for your heart is right for your sexual health.
To increase your sex drive, follow up the following suggestions


One of the best exercises to improve your health is cardiovascular exercise. During sex, your heart rate increase to some extent. But regular exercise keeps your heart rate normal during sex. Thirty minutes of exercise, i.e., running and swimming, can boost your libido.

Eat Fruits And Vegetables:

The following are the fruits that can help you increase your blood flow, hence results in libido.
Onion and Garlic. These foods cause bad breath, but they can help your body in proper blood circulation.

Bananas are the fruits that are rich in potassium that can help in lowering blood pressure. It also benefits your sex part and boosts your sex drive.

Chilles and pepper are natural spices that reduce hypertension and inflammation, thus results in proper blood circulation.


1. Given are the fruits that help you in proper blood flow
2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids increase blood flow. It is found in fish oil, salmon, olive oil, and avocados.
3. Vitamin B-1 This vitamin aids signals in your nervous system to move quicker, including messages from your brain to your penis through nerves. It’s present in peanuts and kidney beans.
4. Eggs are high in other B vitamins; eggs help balance the level of hormones. It can decrease stress that often inhibits an erection.


If you want better sex drive, you have to kick back the bad habits such as smoking and consuming alcohol, which could also affect sex drive. Reducing or quitting smoking is one of the initial steps to improve sexual performance. Replace your bad habits with healthy ones, such as exercise and eating healthy foods, which can help boost sexual health and sex drive.


Sunlight stops the body’s manufacturing of melatonin. This hormone aids us to sleep but also quiets our sexual urges and desires. Little melatonin means the capability for more sexual desire. Getting outside in the sun and letting the sun hit your skin can help wake up and enhance your sex drive, especially during the winter months when the body produces more melatonin.


Sex isn’t something like a one-way street. It requires to pay exceptional heed to your partner’s desires not only makes sex pleasurable and enjoyable for them, but it can also help turn you to the extreme level or slow you down. Talking about this in advance can help ease any discomfort if you need to slow down during a heated moment of intense sexual activity.

Focusing on your better half while you take a break or gap can make for a more pleasurable experience for both of you.

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Lean muscle Diet is essential for building lean muscle. These muscle-building foods are rich in nutrients that can make you a superstar in the bedroom.

Science has identified several nutrients that are essential to the penis. Four of those are more helpful:
1. Zinc boosts testosterone level and helps to attain an erection and enable healthy sperm count.
2. The deficiency of Vitamin B12  causes erectile dysfunction. This vitamin is also crucial for the production of blood.
3. Arginine can relax blood vessels and thus helps to attain a proper erection.
4. Magnesium can decrease inflammation of blood vessels, increasing blood flow, which speeds blood to extremities, increasing arousal, etc.

Yes, protein not only builds the lean muscle that helps you end up in bed with the company in the first place, but it's also the most fundamental building block of tissue and is dense in the amino acids that promote sexual health.

Vitamin B12 is found in salmon. According to research, eating a Mediterranean-style diet rich in proteins, fish, whole grains, and healthy fats (like omega-3s) can enhance erectile function in men with metabolic syndrome.

Arginine is present in chicken breast. Instead of using red meat, always get proteins from plants. For men, plant-based food positively affects the level of sperm count and quality. A diet high in saturated fats contributes to blocks the arteries, which further decrease the rate of blood flow through the. So, you have to cut off read meat from your diet.

EGGS should be in your diet and daily intake already, specifically egg yolks, I know you’re saving your fat macros, but do you know yolk contains more nutrients than the white. The T-boosting micronutrient in the egg yolk is vitamin D3, a bioidentical hormone for testosterone because it’s a cholesterol-derived steroid hormone that helps in very functions of the body.

By getting this, a study broadcasted by Hormone & Metabolic Research showed that the total amount of testosterone and free testosterone had enhanced by 400 percent after supplementing with vitamin D3 for over 12 months. Cruciferous vegetables are anti-estrogenic food because they release a compound called indole-3 carbinole.

This compound gets converted to DIM (di-indollyl methane), which converts estrogen into safer forms—allowing for appropriate levels of free testosterone. Free testosterone easily binds to androgen receptors to increase sex drive, build muscle, reduce fat, and boost your performance in the gym.

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What Is The Erection Process

An erection is a physiological response to psychological arousal. To understand what causes erection problems you must understand the various stages of getting an erection.

The blood vessels of the corpora cavernosa are designed to relax and open up. When this occurs, blood passes through the cavernous arteries to fill them. The blood is then trapped here under high pressure, resulting in an erection.

An erection is first initiated with sensory and mental stimulation. Nerve messages begin to stimulate the penis during sexual arousal. Strong impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the open spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand, resulting in an erection.

An erection is reversed when muscles in the penis contract, stopping the inflow of blood and opening outflow channels.

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The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Click here to view researched articles, clinical trials and scientific studies concerning the ingredients inside the proprietary blend used in Cilexin and the efficacy of their benefits: Source 1Source 2Source 3Source 4Source 5Source 6Source 7Source 8Source 9, and Source 10. As individuals differ, so will results.

Reference: https://www.drugs.com/health-guide/premature-ejaculation.html


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